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row *************************** Table: city Non_unique: 0 Key_name: PRIMARY Seq_in_index: 1 Column_name: ID Collation: A Cardinality: 4188 Sub_part: NULL Packed: NULL Null: Index_type: BTREE Comment: Index_comment: Visible: YES Expression: NULL ...
The value for either variable can be NULL or a string containing one or more comma-separated account names, each in user_name@host_name format. By default, both variables are NULL, in which case, no account filtering is done and auditing occurs for ... Note This section describes legacy audit log filtering, which applies if the audit_log plugin is installed without the accompanying audit tables and functions needed for rule-based ...
Return value: The password string for success (up to 766 bytes), or NULL and an error for failure. Each element in the returned array is an event represented as a JSON hash, with the exception that the last element may be a JSON null value to ...
Return value: The masked string, or NULL if either margin is negative. Return value: The masked string, or NULL if either margin is negative. Return value: A random integer in the range from lower to upper, inclusive, or NULL if the upper argument ...Prior to MySQL 8.0.19, the functions treat string arguments as binary strings (which means they do not distinguish lettercase), and string return values are binary ...
If there is no matching row for the right table in the ON or USING part in a LEFT JOIN, a row with all columns set to NULL is used for the right table. SELECT left_tbl.* FROM { OJ left_tbl LEFT OUTER JOIN right_tbl ON left_tbl.id = right_tbl.id } ...
Returns NULL if any argument is NULL or the path argument does not identify a value in the document. The functions in this section return attributes of JSON values. An error occurs if the argument is not a valid JSON document. An empty array, empty ...
AND key_partN cmp constN; Here, const1, const2, … are constants, cmp is one of the =, <=>, or IS NULL comparison operators, and the conditions cover all index parts. For a BTREE index, an interval might be usable for conditions combined with AND, ... The range access method uses a single index to retrieve a subset of table rows that are contained within one or several index value ...
This section describes the server options and system variables that you can use on replication source servers. You can specify the options either on the command line or in an option file. On the source and each replica, you must set the server_id ...
An example follows, where c1 is an AUTO_INCREMENT column of table t1: INSERT INTO t1 (c1,c2) VALUES (1,'a'), (NULL,'b'), (5,'c'), (NULL,'d'); Another type of “mixed-mode insert” is INSERT ... To make this clear, consider an example that uses ...
NULL, 'NULL', and Empty Values: For a column named column_name, the NULL value, an empty string, and the string value 'NULL' are distinguished from one another in the output generated by this option as follows. Value: XML Representation: NULL ...