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Displaying 31 to 40 of 132 total results
For example, InnoDB stores multiple tables in its system tablespace and the data file timestamp does not apply. For MyISAM, the data file timestamp is used; however, on Windows the timestamp is not updated by updates, so the value is inaccurate.
The log_timestamps system variable controls the time zone of timestamps in messages written to the slow query log file (as well as to the general query log file and the error log). Each statement written to the slow query log file is preceded by a ... The slow query log consists of SQL statements that take more than long_query_time seconds to execute and require at least min_examined_row_limit rows to be ...
The date and time data types for representing temporal values are DATE, TIME, DATETIME, TIMESTAMP, and YEAR. The TIMESTAMP and DATETIME types have special automatic updating behavior, described in Section 13.2.5, “Automatic Initialization and ...
The ts (timestamp) key was added in MySQL 8.0.20 and is unique to the JSON-format log sink. Early-Startup Logging Output Format The server generates some error log messages before startup options have been processed, and thus before it knows error ... Each error log sink (writer) component has a characteristic output format it uses to write messages to its destination, but other factors may influence the content of the messages: The information available to the log ...
MySQL has fractional seconds support for TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP values, with up to microseconds (6 digits) precision: To define a column that includes a fractional seconds part, use the syntax type_name(fsp), where type_name is TIME, ...For ...
For MyISAM, the data file timestamp is used; however, on Windows the timestamp is not updated by updates, so the value is inaccurate. UPDATE_TIME displays a timestamp value for the last UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE performed on InnoDB tables that are ...The information_schema_stats_expiry system variable defines the period of time before cached table statistics ...
--mysqld-safe-log-timestamps Command-Line Format --mysqld-safe-log-timestamps=type Type Enumeration Default Value utc Valid Values systemhyphenlegacy This option controls the format for timestamps in log output produced by mysqld_safe. UTC, utc ISO ... mysqld_safe is the recommended way to start a mysqld server on ...
The dependency information written by the replication source is represented using logical timestamps. (Thus, setting this variable requires that replica_parallel_type or slave_parallel_type already be set to LOGICAL_CLOCK.) There are two logical ...
CAST(expr AS type [ARRAY]) CAST(timestamp_value AT TIME ZONE timezone_specifier AS DATETIME[(precision)]) timezone_specifier: [INTERVAL] '+00:00' | 'UTC' With CAST(expr AS type syntax, the CAST() function takes an expression of any type and produces ... Table 14.15 Cast Functions and Operators Name Description Deprecated BINARY Cast a string to a binary string 8.0.27 CAST() Cast a value as a certain type CONVERT() Cast a value as a certain type Cast functions and operators enable conversion of values from one data type to ...
Suppose that we have a table named person, created as shown here: USE test; CREATE TABLE person ( person_id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, fname VARCHAR(40) NULL, lname VARCHAR(40) NULL, created TIMESTAMP ); Suppose further that this table is initially ...The tagname in the optional ROWS IDENTIFIED BY clause must also be given as a literal string, and must be surrounded by angle brackets (< and ...
Displaying 31 to 40 of 132 total results