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Using --lossy-conversions allows lossy conversions of column values (type demotions or changes in sign) when restoring data from backup. When restoring by slices, a slice ID is assigned to each fragment; this slice ID is in the range 0 to 1 less ...
Table 14.8 Numeric Functions and Operators Name Description %, MOD Modulo operator * Multiplication operator + Addition operator - Minus operator - Change the sign of the argument / Division operator ABS() Return the absolute value ACOS() Return ...
If you have not signed in to the OCR yet, click the Sign in button on the right of the page, and then enter your Oracle account credentials when prompted to. Downloading a MySQL NDB Cluster Docker Image Downloading the Docker image in a separate ...
MySQL now supports creation and management of resource groups, and permits assigning threads running within the server to particular groups so that threads execute according to the resources available to the group. The server determines at startup ... This section summarizes what has been added to, deprecated in, and removed from MySQL ...
One deviation from the standard INI format is that the parameter name and value can be separated by a colon (:) as well as the equal sign (=); however, the equal sign is preferred. To support NDB Cluster, you should update my.cnf as shown in the ...
Note To store values generated by INET_ATON(), use an INT UNSIGNED column rather than INT, which is signed. If you use a signed column, values corresponding to IP addresses for which the first octet is greater than 127 cannot be stored correctly. A ...The function return value and type are the same as the return value and type of its argument, but the function result is not checked for the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL ...
However, certificates generated by mysql_ssl_rsa_setup are self-signed, which is not very secure. Otherwise, it invokes openssl to create them, plus some additional files: ca.pem Self-signed CA certificate ca-key.pem CA private key server-cert.pem ...Instead, consider using MySQL server to generate missing SSL and RSA files automatically at startup (see Automatic SSL and RSA File ...
This statement prevents new GTIDs from being generated and assigned to the transactions in the dump file as they are executed, so that the original GTIDs for the transactions are used. You can either replace the value of gtid_purged with a specified ... The mysqldump client utility performs logical backups, producing a set of SQL statements that can be executed to reproduce the original database object definitions and table ...
Number literals include exact-value (integer and DECIMAL) literals and approximate-value (floating-point) literals. Numbers may be preceded by - or + to indicate a negative or positive value, respectively. Numbers represented in scientific notation ...
The scope of precision math for exact-value operations includes the exact-value data types (integer and DECIMAL types) and exact-value numeric literals. Approximate-value data types and numeric literals are handled as floating-point numbers.