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Search Results
The INNODB_FT_DELETED table stores rows that are deleted from the FULLTEXT index for an InnoDB table. Before querying it, set the value of the innodb_ft_aux_table system variable to the name (including the database name) of the table that contains ...The INNODB_FT_DELETED table has these columns: DOC_ID The document ID of the newly deleted ...
The following table summarizes INFORMATION_SCHEMA InnoDB tables. For greater detail, see the individual table descriptions. Table 28.3 INFORMATION_SCHEMA InnoDB Tables Table Name Description Introduced INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE Pages in InnoDB buffer pool ...
ft_max_word_len Command-Line Format --ft-max-word-len=# System Variable ft_max_word_len Scope Global Dynamic No SET_VAR Hint Applies No Type Integer Default Value 84 Minimum Value 10 Maximum Value 84 The maximum length of the word to be included in ... The MySQL server maintains many system variables that affect its ...
The following table summarizes all available INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables. For greater detail, see the individual table descriptions. Table 28.1 INFORMATION_SCHEMA Tables Table Name Description Introduced Deprecated ADMINISTRABLE_ROLE_AUTHORIZATIONS ...
For information about running OPTIMIZE TABLE on tables with FULLTEXT indexes, see Section 14.9.6, “Fine-Tuning MySQL Full-Text Search”. Before querying it, set the value of the innodb_ft_aux_table system variable to the name (including the ...
FOR EXPORT is not supported on tables with a FULLTEXT index, as full-text search auxiliary tables cannot be flushed. After importing a table with a FULLTEXT index, run OPTIMIZE TABLE to rebuild the FULLTEXT indexes. Alternatively, drop FULLTEXT ...
The INNODB_FT_DEFAULT_STOPWORD table holds a list of stopwords that are used by default when creating a FULLTEXT index on InnoDB tables. For related usage information and examples, see Section 17.15.4, “InnoDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA FULLTEXT Index ...
Is it possible to use FULLTEXT indexes with NDB Cluster? A.10.23. Is it possible to use FULLTEXT indexes with NDB Cluster? FULLTEXT indexing is currently supported only by the InnoDB and MyISAM storage engines. In the following section, we answer ...
For optimal performance when loading data into an InnoDB FULLTEXT index, follow this set of steps: Define a column FTS_DOC_ID at table creation time, of type BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, with a unique index named FTS_DOC_ID_INDEX. Note When adding ...
For example, the following two queries are equivalent: SELECT * FROM t1 USE INDEX (i1) IGNORE INDEX (i2) USE INDEX (i2); SELECT * FROM t1 USE INDEX (i1); For FULLTEXT searches, index hints work as follows: For natural language mode searches, index ... Index hints give the optimizer information about how to choose indexes during query ...