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Displaying 261 to 270 of 664 total results
You can use X Plugin to authenticate against such accounts using non-SSL connections with SHA256_MEMORY authentication and SSL connections with PLAIN authentication. Before you can use non-SSL X Protocol connections to authenticate an account that ... X Plugin supports MySQL user accounts created with the caching_sha2_password authentication ...
Detached transactions are disconnected from the current session following execution of XA PREPARE (and can be committed or rolled back by another connection). When XA transactions are detached, a connection has no special knowledge of any XA ... An ...
Using the statement SET [GLOBAL|SESSION] sql_mode='modes', you can change the settings from within a connection, either locally to the connection, or to take effect globally. Is the mode dependent on the database or connection? A mode is not linked ...What is the default server SQL mode when MySQL 8.0 is installed? ...
Create the table on the local server with an identical table definition, but adding the connection information that links the local table to the remote table. You can either create the local table and specify the connection string (containing the ...
When using a CONNECTION string, you cannot use an '@' character in the password. You can get round this limitation by using the CREATE SERVER statement to create a server connection. The following items indicate features that the FEDERATED storage ...
FIPS mode also applies to attempts by clients to connect to the server. FIPS mode also applies to attempts by clients to connect to the server. However, enabling FIPS mode does not require that an encrypted connection must be used, or that user ...
Group Replication supports TLSv1.3 from MySQL 8.0.18, where it can be used for group communication connections and distributed recovery connections. In MySQL 8.0.18, TLSv1.3 can be used in Group Replication for the distributed recovery connection, ... Limit on Group Size Limits on Transaction Size The following known limitations exist for Group ...
get BB VALUE BB 10 16 GOODBYE, GOODBYE END quit If you shut down the MySQL server, which also shuts off the integrated memcached server, further attempts to access the memcached data fail with a connection error. For example, you can specify options ... This section describes how to set up the daemon_memcached plugin on a MySQL ...
To see the values used by a given instance, connect to it and execute a SHOW VARIABLES statement. In addition to using different data directories, several other options must have different values for each server instance: --port=port_num --port ...
The send buffer reserved size is calculated in two steps: Use the value of the TotalSendBufferMemory configuration parameter (no default value) or the sum of the individual send buffers used by all individual connections to the data node. A data ...
Displaying 261 to 270 of 664 total results