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In most cases, ALTER USER requires the global CREATE USER privilege, or the UPDATE privilege for the mysql system schema. If an account is to be permitted to manipulate secondary passwords for all accounts, it requires the CREATE USER privilege ...
When using a multithreaded replica (replica_parallel_workers > 0 or slave_parallel_workers > 0), stopping the replica can cause gaps in the sequence of transactions that have been executed from the relay log, regardless of whether the replica was ...
For non-language-specific collations, characters in contraction sequences are treated as separate characters. For example, utf8mb4_unicode_ci works fine for German dictionary order and French, so there is no need to create special utf8mb4 collations. Miscellaneous Information The xxx_general_mysql500_ci collations preserve the pre-5.1.24 ordering of the original xxx_general_ci collations and permit upgrades for tables created before MySQL 5.1.24 (Bug ...
To search the title or body separately, you would create separate FULLTEXT indexes for each column. The MySQL FULLTEXT implementation regards any sequence of true word characters (letters, digits, and underscores) as a word. That sequence may also ... By default or with the IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE modifier, the MATCH() function performs a natural language search for a string against a text ...
To create or modify a login path file, use the mysql_config_editor utility. The DROP TABLE and CREATE TABLE statements are not executed because the default database is not db1, even though the statements name a table in db1. The INSERT and CREATE ...
Consider these statements that create a small data set that shows, for each employee in a company, the employee name and ID number, and the ID of the employee's manager. CTEs are similar to tables created with CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE but need not ... A common table expression (CTE) is a named temporary result set that exists within the scope of a single statement and that can be referred to later within that statement, possibly multiple ...
(Although you can write an ON DELETE or ON UPDATE clause as part of the REFERENCES clause, it is also ignored.) This syntax creates a column; it does not create any sort of index or key. row *************************** Table: shirt Create Table: ...
As a result, it is possible to create the account and set its password without naming the plugin explicitly: CREATE USER 'sha2user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; Another consequence of setting default_authentication_plugin to ...If ... MySQL ...
To create a database such that its tables use a given default character set and collation for data storage, use a CREATE DATABASE statement like this: CREATE DATABASE mydb CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci; Tables created in the ... For ...
In cases where you need to transfer databases between different architectures, you can use mysqldump to create a file containing SQL statements. Note If GTIDs are in use on the server where you create the dump (gtid_mode=ON), by default, mysqldump ...You can then transfer the file to the other machine and feed it as input to the mysql ...