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The correct way to remove them is to replace them with TRUE, so that we do not miss any matching rows when doing the range scan. OR col_name = valN Each expression is true if col_name is equal to any of several values. For JSON output, ... The range ...
--backup-password-from-stdin[=TRUE|FALSE] Command-Line Format --backup-password-from-stdin Introduced 8.0.24-ndb-8.0.24 When used in place of --backup-password, this option enables input of the backup password from the system shell (stdin), similar ... The NDB Cluster restoration program is implemented as a separate command-line utility ndb_restore, which can normally be found in the MySQL bin ...
Boolean variables can be set at startup to the values ON, TRUE, OFF, and FALSE (not case-sensitive), as well as 1 and 0. At startup, the server automatically generates RSA private/public key-pair files in the data directory if all of these ... The ...
This option or --text must be true; both options may be true. This option or --os-load must be true; both options may be true. This option or --measured-load must be true; both options may be true. This option or --graph must be true; both options ... ndb_top displays running information in the terminal about CPU usage by NDB threads on an NDB Cluster data ...
Some of the functions in this section return values other than 1 (TRUE), 0 (FALSE), or NULL. expr IN (value,...) Returns 1 (true) if expr is equal to any of the values in the IN() list, else returns 0 (false). mysql> SELECT INTERVAL(23, 1, 15, 17, ... Table 14.4 Comparison Operators Name Description > Greater than operator >= Greater than or equal operator < Less than operator <>, != Not equal operator <= Less than or equal operator <=> NULL-safe equal to operator = Equal operator BETWEEN ...
The second syntax returns the result for the first condition that is true. If no comparison or condition is true, the result after ELSE is returned, or NULL if there is no ELSE part. NULLIF(expr1,expr2) Returns NULL if expr1 = expr2 is true, ...Note ...
Table 14.5 Logical Operators Name Description AND, && Logical AND NOT, ! Negates value OR, || Logical OR XOR Logical XOR In SQL, all logical operators evaluate to TRUE, FALSE, or NULL (UNKNOWN). In MySQL, these are implemented as 1 (TRUE), 0 ...
Connection parameters which can be set in [tcp] and [tcp default] sections of the config.ini file are listed here: AllowUnresolvedHostNames Version (or later) NDB 8.0.22 Type or units boolean Default false Range true, false Added NDB 8.0.22 Restart ... TCP/IP is the default transport mechanism for all connections between nodes in an NDB ...
Setting the ndb_metadata_sync system variable to true overrides any settings that have been made for ndb_metadata_check_interval and ndb_metadata_check, causing the change monitor thread to begin continuous metadata change detection. In NDB 8.0.22 ... The following sections describe changes in the implementation of MySQL NDB Cluster in NDB Cluster 8.0 through 8.0.42, as compared to earlier release ...
This section documents utility functions that act on JSON values, or strings that can be parsed as JSON values. JSON_PRETTY() prints out a JSON value in a format that is easy to read. JSON_STORAGE_SIZE() and JSON_STORAGE_FREE() show, respectively, ...