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Displaying 91 to 100 of 352 total results
If FIDO authentication is attempted and this value is not the one expected by the FIDO device, the device assumes that it is not talking to the correct server and an error occurs. Note As of MySQL 8.0.35, this plugin variable is deprecated and ...
With statement-based replication, triggers executed on the source also execute on the replica. With row-based replication, triggers executed on the source do not execute on the replica. Instead, the row changes on the source resulting from trigger ...
Semisynchronous replication is implemented using plugins, which must be installed on the source and on the replicas to make semisynchronous replication available on the instances. There are different plugins for a source and for a replica. After a ...
Note MySQL 8.0 supports Solaris 11.4 and higher MySQL on Solaris is available in a number of different formats. For information on installing using the native Solaris PKG format, see Section 2.7.1, “Installing MySQL on Solaris Using a Solaris ...
This section describes the time zone settings maintained by MySQL, how to load the system tables required for named time support, how to stay current with time zone changes, and how to enable leap-second support. Beginning with MySQL 8.0.19, time ...
MySQL supports upgrading between minor versions (within an LTS series) and to the next major version (across an LTS series). LTS releases have 8+ years of support and are meant for production use. Performing a minor version upgrade is ...
For MySQL 8.0, there are multiple installation package formats to choose from when installing MySQL on Windows. The package formats described in this section are: MySQL Installer MySQL noinstall ZIP Archives MySQL Docker Images Program Database ...
Important MySQL 8.0 Server requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable Package to run on Windows platforms. Users should make sure the package has been installed on the system before installing the server. Additionally, MySQL debug ...
This section describes the characteristics of different types of backups. Physical (Raw) Versus Logical Backups Physical backups consist of raw copies of the directories and files that store database contents. This type of backup is suitable for ...
Table 14.17 Bit Functions and Operators Name Description & Bitwise AND >> Right shift << Left shift ^ Bitwise XOR BIT_COUNT() Return the number of bits that are set | Bitwise OR ~ Bitwise inversion The following list describes available bit ...
Displaying 91 to 100 of 352 total results