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Displaying 81 to 90 of 1419 total results
The INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE_LRU table provides information about the pages in the InnoDB buffer pool; in particular, how they are ordered in the LRU list that determines which pages to evict from the buffer pool when it becomes full. The ...To avoid ...
The following table summarizes INFORMATION_SCHEMA InnoDB tables. For greater detail, see the individual table descriptions. Table 24.3 INFORMATION_SCHEMA InnoDB Tables Table Name Description Deprecated INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE Pages in InnoDB buffer pool ...
When a table is first accessed, InnoDB (including some releases prior to InnoDB 1.0) checks that the file format of the tablespace in which the table is stored is fully supported. This check prevents crashes or corruptions that would otherwise ...
Even though the MyISAM table format is very reliable (all changes to a table made by an SQL statement are written before the statement returns), you can still get corrupted tables if any of the following events occur: The mysqld process is killed ...An unexpected computer shutdown occurs (for example, the computer is turned ...
The table_distribution_status table provides information about the progress of table distribution for NDB tables. is_reorg_ongoing Whether table is currently being reorganized (1 if true) Notes The table_distribution_status table was added in NDB ...
ndb_show_tables displays a list of all NDB database objects in the cluster. By default, this includes not only both user-created tables and NDB system tables, but NDB-specific indexes, internal triggers, and NDB Cluster Disk Data objects as well.
Memory summary tables do not contain timing information because memory events are not timed. Example memory event summary information: mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.memory_summary_global_by_event_name WHERE EVENT_NAME = ...Operation counts ...
The Performance Schema maintains tables for collecting current and recent stage events, and aggregates that information in summary tables. Section 25.12.5, “Performance Schema Stage Event Tables” describes the events on which stage summaries ...
The Performance Schema maintains tables for collecting current and recent transaction events, and aggregates that information in summary tables. Section 25.12.7, “Performance Schema Transaction Tables” describes the events on which transaction ...Example transaction event summary information: mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.events_transactions_summary_global_by_event_name LIMIT 1\G *************************** ...
You want a table that contains a record for each of your pets. This can be called the pet table, and it should contain, as a bare minimum, each animal's name. Because the name by itself is not very interesting, the table should contain other ...For ...
Displaying 81 to 90 of 1419 total results