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Displaying 71 to 80 of 1137 total results
As soon as you issue STOP GROUP_REPLICATION the member is set to super_read_only=ON, which ensures that no writes can be made to the member while Group Replication stops. Warning Use this statement with extreme caution because it removes the server ...Any other replication channels running on the member are also ...
The following discussion provides several examples of the ways in which MySQL detects functional dependencies. The examples use this notation: {X} -> {Y} Understand this as “X uniquely determines Y,” which also means that Y is functionally ...
Traditional MySQL Replication provides a simple Primary-Secondary approach to replication. There is a primary (source) and there are one or more secondaries (replicas). The primary executes transactions, commits them and then they are later (thus ...
This table shows statistical information for MySQL Group Replication members. The replication_group_member_stats table has these columns: CHANNEL_NAME Name of the Group Replication channel. This has a different value for each member in the group.
This section describes the process through which a member joining a group catches up with the remaining servers in the group, called distributed recovery. Distributed recovery can be summarized as the process through which a server gets missing ...
The following examples are typical use cases for Group Replication. Use MySQL Group Replication to implement highly available shards, where each shard maps to a replication group. Writing to an entire group may prove more scalable under certain ...
MySQL Group Replication builds on an implementation of the Paxos distributed algorithm to provide distributed coordination between servers. In practice this means that to tolerate one failure the group must have three servers in it. However, if a ...As such, it requires a majority of servers to be active to reach quorum and thus make a ...
MySQL Group Replication is provided as a plugin for the MySQL server; each server in a group requires configuration and installation of the plugin. This section provides a detailed tutorial with the steps required to create a replication group with ...In addition, InnoDB Cluster interfaces seamlessly with MySQL Router and simplifies deploying MySQL with high ...
In a Group Replication topology, care needs to be taken when executing data definition statements also commonly known as data definition language (DDL). Consequently, the lack of atomicity does not fit directly into the optimistic replication ...
It is based on classic asynchronous replication and as such it may be slow if the server joining the group is not provisioned at all or is provisioned with a very old backup image. As such, the recommendation is that before adding a server to the ...
Displaying 71 to 80 of 1137 total results