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Displaying 671 to 680 of 1419 total results
The metric type determines the source from which the name is taken: For global status variables: The VARIABLE_NAME column of the global_status table For InnoDB metrics: The NAME column of the INNODB_METRICS table For other metrics: A view-provided ... This view summarizes MySQL server metrics to show variable names, values, types, and whether they are ...
Given a configuration option name, returns the option value from the sys_config table, or the provided default value (which may be NULL) if the option does not exist in the table. If so, the routine uses the variable value without reading the ...If ...
A trigger is a named database object that is associated with a table, and that activates when a particular event occurs for the table. Some uses for triggers are to perform checks of values to be inserted into a table or to perform calculations on ...For example, rows can be inserted by INSERT or LOAD DATA statements, and an insert trigger activates for each inserted ...
MySQL stores accounts in the user table of the mysql system database. For information about account representation in the user table, see Section 6.2.3, “Grant Tables”. Warning The MySQL user name length limit is hardcoded in MySQL servers and ...An account is defined in terms of a user name and the client host or hosts from which the user can connect to the ...
That is, MySQL explains how it would process the statement, including information about how tables are joined and in which order. With the help of EXPLAIN, you can see where you should add indexes to tables so that the statement executes faster by ... The EXPLAIN statement provides information about how MySQL executes statements: EXPLAIN works with SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, REPLACE, and UPDATE ...
For example: SHOW GRANTS FOR 'joe'@''; SHOW GRANTS FOR 'joe'@''; Internally, the server stores privilege information in the grant tables of the mysql system database. The MySQL server reads the contents of these ...
MySQL stores account names in grant tables in the mysql system database using separate columns for the user name and host name parts: The user table contains one row for each account. Other grant tables indicate privileges an account has for ...
InnoDB does not keep an internal count of rows in a table because concurrent transactions might “see” different numbers of rows at the same time. For a faster count, create a counter table and let your application update it according to the ...
Plugin names are stored in the plugin column of the mysql.user system table. The result returned by the plugin is stored in the mysql.user table. For syntax that uses AS 'auth_string', the string is assumed to be already in the format the ... ALTER ...
Table 12.15 Cast Functions and Operators Name Description BINARY Cast a string to a binary string CAST() Cast a value as a certain type CONVERT() Cast a value as a certain type Cast functions and operators enable conversion of values from one data ...Cast Function and Operator Descriptions Character Set Conversions Character Set Conversions for String Comparisons Other Uses for Cast Operations Cast Function and Operator Descriptions BINARY expr The BINARY operator converts the expression to a binary string (a string that has the binary character set and binary ...
Displaying 671 to 680 of 1419 total results