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Displaying 51 to 60 of 1137 total results
The first condition is fulfilled when the query is implicitly grouped (contains an aggregate function but no GROUP BY clause). Consider the following implicitly grouped query: SELECT MIN(c1), MIN(c2) FROM t1; Suppose that MIN(c1) can be retrieved by ... The EXPLAIN statement provides information about how MySQL executes ...
Partitioning-related clauses for ALTER TABLE can be used with partitioned tables for repartitioning, to add, drop, discard, import, merge, and split partitions, and to perform partitioning maintenance. Simply using a partition_options clause with ...
The following tables list sys schema objects and provide a short description of each one.
This section explains the process which controls how the view change identifier is incorporated into a binary log event and written to the log, The following steps are taken: Begin: Stable Group All servers are online and processing incoming ...
Group Replication ensures that a transaction only commits after a majority of the members in a group have received it and agreed on the relative order between all transactions that were sent concurrently. This approach works well if the total ...If ...
Whenever a member joins a replication group, it connects to an existing member to carry out state transfer. The server joining the group transfers all the transactions that took place in the group before it joined, which are provided by the ...When ...
For messages sent between online group members, Group Replication enables message compression by default. Whether a specific message is compressed depends on the threshold that you configure using the group_replication_compression_threshold system ...Messages that have a payload larger than the specified number of bytes are ...
Group Replication uses the asynchronous replication protocol to achieve Section 17.9.5, “Distributed Recovery”, synchronizing group members before joining them to the group. The distributed recovery process relies on a replication channel named ...Start the MySQL server instance and then connect a client to ...
Group Replication’s failure detection mechanism is a distributed service which is able to identify that a server in the group is not communicating with the others, and is therefore suspected of being out of service. If the group’s consensus is ...One channel is used to send messages to the member and the other channel is used to receive messages from the ...
The TP_THREAD_GROUP_STATE table has one row per thread group in the thread pool. Each row provides information about the current state of a group. The TP_THREAD_GROUP_STATE table has these columns: TP_GROUP_ID The thread group ID. This is where ...
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