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Displaying 531 to 540 of 1419 total results
Index Condition Pushdown (ICP) is an optimization for the case where MySQL retrieves rows from a table using an index. Without ICP, the storage engine traverses the index to locate rows in the base table and returns them to the MySQL server which ...With ICP enabled, and if parts of the WHERE condition can be evaluated by using only columns from the index, the MySQL server pushes this part of the WHERE condition down to the storage ...
When modifying multiple tables within a transaction, or different sets of rows in the same table, do those operations in a consistent order each time. Add well-chosen indexes to your tables so that your queries scan fewer index records and set fewer ... This section builds on the conceptual information about deadlocks in Section, “Deadlock ...
If you store several different classes of information using memcached, consider setting up a separate InnoDB table for each type of data. Define additional table identifiers in the innodb_memcache.containers table, and use the @@table_id.key ...This ...
Although the default behavior does not offer the best possible raw performance, it is still fast compared to the SQL interface for InnoDB tables. When a memcached operation inserts, updates, or deletes data in the underlying InnoDB table, the change ... Unlike traditional memcached, the daemon_memcached plugin allows you to control durability of data values produced through calls to add, set, incr, and so ...
mysqlslap runs in three stages: Create schema, table, and optionally any stored programs or data to use for the test. --auto-generate-sql-add-autoincrement Command-Line Format --auto-generate-sql-add-autoincrement Type Boolean Default Value FALSE ...
Some of these issues are listed here: Tables created in NDB 8.0 by default use the utf8mb4_ai_ci character set, which is not available in NDB 7.6 and earlier, and so cannot be read by an ndb_restore binary from one of these earlier versions. In such ... The following two sections provide information about restoring a native NDB backup to a different version of NDB Cluster from the version in which the backup was ...
Example names: wait/io/file/myisam/log wait/io/file/mysys/charset wait/lock/table/sql/handler wait/synch/cond/mysys/COND_alarm wait/synch/cond/sql/BINLOG::update_cond wait/synch/mutex/mysys/BITMAP_mutex wait/synch/mutex/sql/LOCK_delete ... An ...
Note As of MySQL 5.7.39, an alternative implementation for SHOW PROCESSLIST is available based on the Performance Schema processlist table, which, like the threads table, does not require a mutex and has better performance characteristics. The ...
ERROR 1051 (42S02): Unknown table 'xx' Then execution enters the EXIT handler. ERROR 1051 (42S02): Unknown table 'xx' At this point, the contents of the first (current) and second (stacked) diagnostics areas are the same. ERROR 1051 (42S02): Unknown ...RESIGNAL may change some or all information before passing it ...
Metadata changes to tables or views referred to by prepared statements are detected and cause automatic repreparation of the statement when it is next executed. Using prepared statements with placeholders for parameter values has the following ...
Displaying 531 to 540 of 1419 total results