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Displaying 291 to 300 of 1137 total results
On Windows, symbolic links can be used for database directories. This enables you to put a database directory at a different location (for example, on a different disk) by setting up a symbolic link to it. Use of database symlinks on Windows is ...
XA transaction support is limited to the InnoDB storage engine. For “external XA,” a MySQL server acts as a Resource Manager and client programs act as Transaction Managers. For “Internal XA”, storage engines within a MySQL server act as ...
The thread pool consists of a number of thread groups, each of which manages a set of client connections. As connections are established, the thread pool assigns them to thread groups in round-robin fashion. To configure the number of thread ...The ...
Execute one or more CREATE NODEGROUP commands in the NDB Cluster management client to create the new node group or node groups to which the new data nodes belong. Note This needs to be done only for tables already existing at the time the new node ... In this section, we list the basic steps required to add new data nodes to an NDB ...
The system tablespace (represented by the ibdata files) is tagged with the “highest” file format in use in a group of InnoDB database files, and this tag is checked when the files are opened. InnoDB incorporates several checks to guard against ...
The lc_time_names value does not affect the result from FORMAT(), but this function takes an optional third parameter that enables a locale to be specified to be used for the result number's decimal point, thousands separator, and grouping between ... The locale indicated by the lc_time_names system variable controls the language used to display day and month names and ...
Each stage summary table has one or more grouping columns to indicate how the table aggregates events. The Performance Schema maintains tables for collecting current and recent stage events, and aggregates that information in summary tables.
Each wait event summary table has one or more grouping columns to indicate how the table aggregates events. The Performance Schema maintains tables for collecting current and recent wait events, and aggregates that information in summary tables.
The MySQL server, mysqld, has many command options and system variables that can be set at startup to configure its operation. To determine the default command option and system variable values used by the server, execute this command: $> mysqld ...
You can store a value in a user-defined variable in one statement and refer to it later in another statement. This enables you to pass values from one statement to another. User variables are written as @var_name, where the variable name var_name ...
Displaying 291 to 300 of 1137 total results