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SELECT article, MAX(price) AS price FROM shop GROUP BY article ORDER BY article; +---------+-------+ | article | price | +---------+-------+ | 0001 | 3.99 | | 0002 | 10.99 | | 0003 | 1.69 | | 0004 | 19.95 | +---------+-------+ .
This chapter explains MySQL Group Replication and how to install, configure and monitor groups. MySQL Group Replication is a MySQL Server plugin that enables you to create elastic, highly-available, fault-tolerant replication topologies. Groups can ...
MySQL Group Replication is a MySQL plugin and it builds on the existing MySQL replication infrastructure, taking advantage of features such as the binary log, row-based logging, and global transaction identifiers. The following figure presents a ...
The performance_schema.replication_group_members table is used for monitoring the status of the different server instances that are members of the group. The information in the table is updated whenever there is a view change, for example when the ...At that point, servers exchange some of their metadata to synchronize themselves and continue to cooperate ...
The GROUP BY clause permits a WITH ROLLUP modifier that causes summary output to include extra rows that represent higher-level (that is, super-aggregate) summary operations. ROLLUP has a more complex effect when there are multiple GROUP BY columns. In this case, each time there is a change in value in any but the last grouping column, the query produces an extra super-aggregate summary ...
CREATE LOGFILE GROUP logfile_group ADD UNDOFILE 'undo_file' [INITIAL_SIZE [=] initial_size] [UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE [=] undo_buffer_size] [REDO_BUFFER_SIZE [=] redo_buffer_size] [NODEGROUP [=] nodegroup_id] [WAIT] [COMMENT [=] 'string'] ENGINE [=] ...
The most common way to deploy Group Replication is using multiple server instances, to provide high availability. It is also possible to deploy Group Replication locally, for example for testing purposes. Important Group Replication is usually ...
This section explains how to secure a group, securing the connections between members of a group, or by establishing a security perimeter using IP address allowlisting.
You can use the MySQL Performance Schema to monitor Group Replication. These Performance Schema tables display information specific to Group Replication: replication_group_member_stats: See Section 17.4.3, “The replication_group_member_stats ...
Each member in a replication group certifies and applies transactions received by the group. The performance_schema.replication_group_member_stats table provides group-level information related to the certification process, and also statistics for ...Statistics regarding the certifier and applier procedures are useful to understand how the applier queue is growing, how many conflicts have been found, how many transactions were checked, which transactions are committed everywhere, and so ...
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