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Displaying 271 to 280 of 1137 total results
The function return value and type are the same as the return value and type of its argument, but the function result is not checked for the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode. As a result, the address value for rows within each name group is ...There are ...
Rows are grouped into events smaller than this size if possible. binlog_group_commit_sync_delay Command-Line Format --binlog-group-commit-sync-delay=# System Variable binlog_group_commit_sync_delay Scope Global Dynamic Yes Type Integer Default Value ... Startup Options Used with Binary Logging System Variables Used with Binary Logging You can use the mysqld options and system variables that are described in this section to affect the operation of the binary log as well as to control which statements are written to the binary ...
The MySQL server authenticates connection attempts for each account listed in the mysql.user system table using the authentication plugin named in the plugin column. If the plugin column is empty, the server authenticates the account as follows: ...
Note This section describes legacy audit log filtering, which applies under either of these circumstances: Before MySQL 5.7.13, that is, prior to the introduction of rule-based audit log filtering described in Section, “Audit Log ...
The server uses several logging formats to record information in the binary log. The exact format employed depends on the version of MySQL being used. There are three logging formats: Replication capabilities in MySQL originally were based on ...
When running in MIXED logging format, the server automatically switches from statement-based to row-based logging under the following conditions: When a DML statement updates an NDBCLUSTER table. When one or more tables with AUTO_INCREMENT columns ...
In join processing, prefix rows are those rows passed from one table in a join to the next. In general, the optimizer attempts to put tables with low prefix counts early in the join order to keep the number of row combinations from increasing ...
This section describes aspects of how the MySQL server manages client connections. Network Interfaces and Connection Manager Threads Client Connection Thread Management Connection Volume Management Network Interfaces and Connection Manager Threads ...
Once you know how to enter SQL statements, you are ready to access a database. Suppose that you have several pets in your home (your menagerie) and you would like to keep track of various types of information about them. You can do so by creating ...
With an unencrypted connection between the MySQL client and the server, someone with access to the network could watch all your traffic and inspect the data being sent or received between client and server. When you must move information over a ...
Displaying 271 to 280 of 1137 total results