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Displaying 111 to 120 of 1137 total results
An administrative or management application that communicates with the servers and organizes them into high-availability groups. Groups serve different purposes, and servers within each group may have different assignments. Assignment of a server ...
DISTINCT with ORDER BY does not work inside GROUP_CONCAT() if you do not use all and only those columns that are in the DISTINCT list. This means that values cannot reliably be used in GROUP BY, ORDER BY, or DISTINCT if they differ only after the ...
See the documentation for the DataMemory data node configuration parameter, as well as Section 21.2.2, “NDB Cluster Nodes, Node Groups, Fragment Replicas, and Partitions”, for more information. This section provides a conceptual overview of ...
To support NDB Cluster, you must to update my.cnf as shown in the following example. You may also specify these parameters on the command line when invoking the executables. Note The options shown here should not be confused with those that are ...
Events are collected by means of instrumentation added to the server source code. Instruments time events, which is how the Performance Schema provides an idea of how long events take. It is also possible to configure instruments not to collect ...
MySQL provides two authentication plugins that implement SHA-256 hashing for user account passwords: sha256_password: Implements basic SHA-256 authentication. caching_sha2_password: Implements SHA-256 authentication (like sha256_password), but uses ...
SHOW ENGINE engine_name {STATUS | MUTEX} SHOW ENGINE displays operational information about a storage engine. The statement has these variants: SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX SHOW ENGINE PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA STATUS SHOW ENGINE ...
The binary log contains information about SQL statements that modify database contents. This information is stored in the form of “events” that describe the modifications. (Binary log events differ from scheduled event stored objects.) The ...
The statement_analysis and x$statement_analysis views have these columns: query The normalized statement string. db The default database for the statement, or NULL if there is none. full_scan The total number of full table scans performed by ...
An alias can be used in a query select list to give a column a different name. This restriction is imposed because when the WHERE clause is evaluated, the column value may not yet have been determined. In the select list of a query, a quoted column ...
Displaying 111 to 120 of 1137 total results