The function print_result()
, shown here,
takes a result set
) as input:
Press CTRL+C to copyfunction print_result(result) { if (result.hasData()) { console.log(result.getColumnNames()) console.log(result.getColumns()) let row = result.fetchOne() while(row) { console.log(row.toArray()) row = result.fetchOne() } } else { console.log("Number of affected rows: " + result.getAffectedItemsCount()) console.log("Last insert ID: " + result.getAutoIncrementValue()) } while(result.nextResult()) { console.log("\nNext result set") print_result(result) } }
If query
is the text of a valid SQL
statement, the function can be called like this in the body of
a JavaScript stored procedure:
Press CTRL+C to copylet stmt = session.sql(query); let res = stmt.execute(); print_result(res);
prints its output to
. This includes the names of the
columns in the result set. If the result set is not empty, the
contents of each row are printed in the order obtained;
otherwise, the function gets the number of rows affected by
the statement and the value of the last inserted ID. Finally
it checks for multiple result sets using
, and
calls itself for the next result set if there is one.
This section demonstrates how to obtain column metadata.
Press CTRL+C to copyCREATE PROCEDURE jssp_simple_meta(IN query VARCHAR(250)) LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS $$ let stmt = session.sql(query) let result = stmt.execute() console.log(result.getColumnNames()) let cols = result.getColumns() let cnt = result.getColumnCount() var out = 'COLUMN INFO:' for (var i=0; i<cnt; i++) { let col = cols[i] out += "\nColumn: " + col.getColumnName() + "(" + col.getColumnLabel() + ")" out += "; Schema: " + col.getSchemaName() out += "; Table: " + col.getTableName() + "(" + col.getTableLabel() + ")" out += "; Type: " + col.getType(); } out += "\n" console.log(out); if (result.hasData()) { console.log("ROWS:") let row = result.fetchOne() while(row) { console.log(row.toArray()) row = result.fetchOne() } } $$;
Press CTRL+C to copymysql> SELECT mle_session_reset(); +------------------------------------------+ | mle_session_reset() | +------------------------------------------+ | The session state is successfully reset. | +------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec) mysql> CALL jssp_simple_meta(" "> SELECT c.Name, c.LocalName, t.Name AS Capital, c.Population "> FROM country c "> JOIN countrylanguage l "> ON c.Code=l.CountryCode "> JOIN city t "> ON c.Capital=t.ID "> WHERE l.Language='Swedish' "> "); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) mysql> SELECT mle_session_state('stdout')\G *************************** 1. row *************************** mle_session_state('stdout'): Name,LocalName,Capital,Population COLUMN INFO: Column: Name(Name); Schema: world; Table: country(c); Type: STRING Column: LocalName(LocalName); Schema: world; Table: country(c); Type: STRING Column: Name(Capital); Schema: world; Table: city(t); Type: STRING Column: Population(Population); Schema: world; Table: country(c); Type: INT ROWS: Denmark,Danmark,København,5330000 Finland,Suomi,Helsinki [Helsingfors],5171300 Norway,Norge,Oslo,4478500 Sweden,Sverige,Stockholm,8861400 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
This section describes basic error handling in MySQL JavaScript stored programs, when using the SQL API.
SQL errors encountered during statement preparation or
execution are thrown in JavaScript as exceptions where they
can be handled using one or more try ...
blocks, in which case execution proceeds. If
the error is not handled in this way, stored procedure
execution halts and produces the original SQL error that was
encountered during the SQL query execution inside JavaScript.
after a
JavaScript stored procedure is executed returns the errors or
warnings generated by the most recent statement executed
inside the procedure.
Some errors cannot be handled in JavaScript. For example, if a
query is aborted (CTRL-C
), the stored
program stops executing immediately and produces an error.
Likewise, out of memory errors cannot be handled within
JavaScript routines.
An SQL statement that causes errors that are not handled within the stored program passes them back to the client. To observe this, we create a stored procedure using the following SQL statement:
Press CTRL+C to copyCREATE PROCEDURE jssp_simple_error(IN query VARCHAR(250)) LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS $$ let session = mysql.getSession() var result1 = session.sql("SELECT * FROM t_unknown;").execute() $$;
Now we call jssp_simple_error()
, passing to
it a query against a table which we know not to exist, like
Press CTRL+C to copymysql> CALL jssp_simple_error("SELECT * FROM bogus"); ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'test.t_unknown' doesn't exist
You can choose to handle SQL errors in JavaScript instead, using try-catch syntax, like this:
Press CTRL+C to copyCREATE PROCEDURE jssp_catch_errors(IN query VARCHAR(200)) LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS $$ try { var result = session.sql("SELECT * FROM bogus").execute() } catch (e) { console.error("\nJS Error:\n" + + ":\n" + e.message) } $$;
Here you can see the result when the query passed to
is one which attempts
to access a nonexistent table:
Press CTRL+C to copymysql> CALL jssp_catch_errors("SELECT * FROM bogus"); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) mysql> SELECT mle_session_state('stderr')\G *************************** 1. row *************************** mle_session_state('stderr'): JS Error: org.graalvm.polyglot.nativeapi.PolyglotNativeAPI$CallbackException: SQL-CALLOUT: Error code: 1146 Error state: 42S02 Error message: Table 'test.bogus' doesn't exist 1 row in set (0.00 sec)