In this section we discuss the sequence of message-passing that takes place between a data node and an API node for each of the following operations:
Primary key lookup
Unique key lookup
Table scan or index scan
Explicit commit of a transaction
Rollback of a transaction
Transaction record handling (acquisition and release)
Primary key lookup. An operation using a primary key lookup is performed as shown in the following diagram:
* and + are used here with the meanings “zero or more” and “one or more”, respectively.
The steps making up this process are listed and explained in greater detail here:
The API node sends a
message to the data node. In the event that the necessary information about the key to be used is too large to be contained in theTCKEYREQ
, the message may be accompanied by any number ofKEYINFO
messages carrying the remaining key information. If additional attributes are used for the operation and exceed the space available in theTCKEYREQ
, or if data is to be sent to the data node as part of a write operation, then these are sent with theTCKEYREQ
as any number ofATTRINFO
The data node sends a message in response to the request, according to whether the operation succeeded or failed:
If the operation was successful, the data node sends a
message to the API node. If the request was for a read operation, thenTCKEYCONF
is accompanied by aTRANSID_AI
message, which contains actual result data. If there is more data than can be contained in a singleTRANSID_AI
can carry, more than one of these messages may be sent.If the operation failed, then the data node sends a
message back to the API node, and no more signalling takes place until the API node makes a new request.
Unique key lookup. This is performed in a manner similar to that performed in a primary key lookup:
A request is made by the API node using a
message which may be accompanied by zero or moreKEYINFO
messages, zero or moreATTRINFO
messages, or both.-
The data node returns a response, depending on whether or not the operation succeeded:
If the operation was a success, the message is
. For a successful read operation, this message may be accompanied by one or moreTRANSID_AI
messages carrying the result data.If the operation failed, the data node returns a
The exchange of messages involved in a unique key lookup is illustrated in the following diagram:
Table scans and index scans. These are similar in many respects to primary key and unique key lookups, as shown here:
A request is made by the API node using a
message, along with zero or moreATTRINFO
messages are also used with index scans in the event that bounds are used.-
The data node returns a response, according to whether or not the operation succeeded:
If the operation was a success, the message is
. For a successful read operation, this message may be accompanied by one or moreTRANSID_AI
messages carrying the result data. However—unlike the case with lookups based on a primary or unique key—it is often necessary to fetch multiple results from the data node. Requests following the first are signalled by the API node using aSCAN_NEXTREQ
, which tells the data node to send the next set of results (if there are more results). This is shown here:
If the operation failed, the data node returns a
is also used to signal to the API node that all data resulting from a read has been sent.
Committing and rolling back transactions.
The process of performing an explicit commit follows the same
general pattern as shown previously. The API node sends a
message to the data node,
which responds with either a TC_COMMITCONF
(on success) or a TC_COMMITREF
(if the
commit failed). This is shown in the following diagram:
Some operations perform a COMMIT
automatically, so this is not required for every transaction.
Rolling back a transaction also follows this pattern. In this
case, however, the API node sends a
message to the data node.
or a
is sent in response, as shown
Handling of transaction records.
Acquiring a transaction record is accomplished when an API
node transmits a TCSEIZEREQ
message to a
data node and receives a TCSEIZECONF
in return, depending on whether
or not the request was successful. This is depicted here:

The release of a transaction record is also handled using the
request-response pattern. In this case, the API node's request
message, and the data
node's response uses either a TCRELEASECONF
(indicating that the record was released) or a
(indicating that the attempt at
release did not succeed). This series of events is illustrated
in the next diagram: