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MySQL Shell 9.1  /  MySQL InnoDB Cluster  /  Modifying or Dissolving an InnoDB Cluster

7.9 Modifying or Dissolving an InnoDB Cluster

This section explains how to change an InnoDB Cluster from single-primary to multi-primary mode or the other way around, how to remove server instances from an InnoDB Cluster, and how to dissolve an InnoDB Cluster that you no longer need.

Changing a Cluster's Topology

By default, an InnoDB Cluster runs in single-primary mode, where the cluster has one primary server that accepts read and write queries (R/W), and all of the remaining instances in the cluster accept only read queries (R/O). When you configure a cluster to run in multi-primary mode, all of the instances in the cluster are primaries, which means that they accept both read and write queries (R/W). If a cluster has all of its instances running MySQL server version 8.0.15 or later, you can make changes to the topology of the cluster while the cluster is online. In previous versions it was necessary to completely dissolve and re-create the cluster to make the configuration changes. This uses the group action coordinator exposed through the functions described at Configuring an Online Group, and as such you should observe the rules for configuring online groups.


Multi-primary mode is considered an advanced mode.

Usually a single-primary cluster elects a new primary when the current primary leaves the cluster unexpectedly, for example due to an unexpected halt. The election process is normally used to choose which of the current secondaries becomes the new primary. To override the election process and force a specific server instance in the underlying Group Replication group to become the new primary, use the Cluster.setPrimaryInstance(instance[, options) function, where instance specifies the connection to the instance which should become the new primary. You can use the runningTransactionsTimeout option to add a timeout between 0 and 3600 seconds for transactions that are running when you use the function. When you set a timeout, incoming transactions after the command is issued are rejected.

You can change the mode (sometimes described as the topology) which a cluster is running in between single-primary and multi-primary using the following operations:

  • Cluster.switchToMultiPrimaryMode(), which switches the cluster to multi-primary mode. All instances become primaries.

  • Cluster.switchToSinglePrimaryMode([instance]), which switches the cluster to single-primary mode. If instance is specified, it becomes the primary and all the other instances become secondaries. If instance is not specified, the new primary is the instance with the highest member weight (and the lowest UUID in case of a tie on member weight).

Removing Instances from an InnoDB Cluster

You can remove an instance from a cluster at any time should you wish to do so. This can be done with the Cluster.removeInstance(instance) method, as in the following example:

mysql-js> cluster.removeInstance('root@localhost:3310')

The instance will be removed from the InnoDB cluster. Depending on the instance
being the Seed or not, the Metadata session might become invalid. If so, please
start a new session to the Metadata Storage R/W instance.

Attempting to leave from the Group Replication group...

The instance 'localhost:3310' was successfully removed from the cluster.

The cluster.removeInstance() operation ensures that the instance is removed from the metadata of all the cluster members which are ONLINE, and the instance itself. The last instance that remains in ONLINE status in an InnoDB Cluster cannot be removed using this operation.

When the instance being removed has transactions which still need to be applied, AdminAPI waits for up to the number of seconds configured by the MySQL Shell dba.gtidWaitTimeout option for transactions (GTIDs) to be applied. The MySQL Shell dba.gtidWaitTimeout option has a default value of 60 seconds, see Section 13.4, “Configuring MySQL Shell Options” for information on changing the default. If the timeout value defined by dba.gtidWaitTimeout is reached when waiting for transactions to be applied and the force option is false (or not defined) then an error is issued and the remove operation is aborted. If the timeout value defined by dba.gtidWaitTimeout is reached when waiting for transactions to be applied and the force option is set to true then the operation continues without an error and removes the instance from the cluster.


The force option of Cluster.removeInstance(instance) forces removal of the instance from the Cluster's metadata. This is useful if the instance is no longer a member, but is still registered as part of the Cluster. This option has no effect on healthy, contactable instances, and affects only unreachable instances or instances which are otherwise unable to synchronize with the Cluster.

Dissolving an InnoDB Cluster

To dissolve an InnoDB Cluster you connect to a read-write instance, for example the primary in a single-primary cluster, and use the Cluster.dissolve() command. This removes all metadata and configuration associated with the cluster, and disables Group Replication on the instances. Any data that was replicated between the instances is not removed.


There is no way to undo the dissolving of a cluster. To create it again use dba.createCluster().

The Cluster.dissolve() operation can only configure instances which are ONLINE or reachable. If members of a cluster cannot be reached by the member where you issued the Cluster.dissolve() command you have to decide how the dissolve operation should proceed. If there is any chance you want to rejoin any instances that are identified as missing from the cluster, it is strongly recommended to cancel the dissolve operation and first bring the missing instances back online, before proceeding with a dissolve operation. This ensures that all instances can have their metadata updated correctly, and that there is no chance of a split-brain situation. However, if the instances from the cluster which cannot be reached have permanently left the cluster there could be no choice but to force the dissolve operation, which means that the missing instances are ignored and only online instances are affected by the operation.


Forcing the dissolve operation to ignore cluster instances can result in instances which could not be reached during the dissolve operation continuing to operate, creating the risk of a split-brain situation. Only ever force a dissolve operation to ignore missing instances if you are sure there is no chance of the instance coming online again.

In interactive mode, if members of a cluster are not reachable during a dissolve operation then an interactive prompt is displayed, for example:

mysql-js> Cluster.dissolve()
The cluster still has the following registered instances:
    "clusterName": "testCluster",
    "defaultReplicaSet": {
        "name": "default",
        "topology": [
                "address": "ic-1:3306",
                "label": "ic-1:3306",
                "role": "HA"
                "address": "ic-2:3306",
                "label": "ic-2:3306",
                "role": "HA"
                "address": "ic-3:3306",
                "label": "ic-3:3306",
                "role": "HA"
WARNING: You are about to dissolve the whole cluster and lose the high
availability features provided by it. This operation cannot be reverted. All
members will be removed from the cluster and replication will be stopped,
internal recovery user accounts and the cluster metadata will be dropped. User
data will be maintained intact in all instances.

Are you sure you want to dissolve the cluster? [y/N]: y

ERROR: The instance 'ic-2:3306' cannot be removed because it is on a '(MISSING)'
state. Please bring the instance back ONLINE and try to dissolve the cluster
again. If the instance is permanently not reachable, then you can choose to
proceed with the operation and only remove the instance from the Cluster

Do you want to continue anyway (only the instance metadata will be removed)?
[y/N]: y

Instance 'ic-3:3306' is attempting to leave the cluster...  Instance 'ic-1:3306'
is attempting to leave the cluster...

WARNING: The cluster was successfully dissolved, but the following instance was
skipped: 'ic-2:3306'. Please make sure this instance is permanently unavailable
or take any necessary manual action to ensure the cluster is fully dissolved.

In this example, the cluster consisted of three instances, one of which was offline when dissolve was issued. The error is caught, and you are given the choice how to proceed. In this case the missing ic-2 instance is ignored and the reachable members have their metadata updated.

When MySQL Shell is running in non-interactive mode, for example when running a batch file, you can configure the behavior of the Cluster.dissolve() operation using the force option. To force the dissolve operation to ignore any instances which are unreachable, issue:

mysql-js> Cluster.dissolve({force: true})

Any instances which can be reached are removed from the cluster, and any unreachable instances are ignored. The warnings in this section about forcing the removal of missing instances from a cluster apply equally to this technique of forcing the dissolve operation.

The dba.gtidWaitTimeout MySQL Shell option configures how long the Cluster.dissolve() operation waits for cluster transactions to be applied before removing a target instance from the cluster, but only if the target instance is ONLINE. An error is issued if the timeout is reached when waiting for cluster transactions to be applied on any of the instances being removed, except if force: true is used, which skips the error in that case.


After issuing cluster.dissolve(), any variable assigned to the Cluster object is no longer valid.