MySQL Port Reference  /  MySQL Port Reference Tables

3 MySQL Port Reference Tables

The following tables describe ports used by MySQL products and features. Port information is applicable to MySQL 5.7 and beyond.

Client - Server Connection Ports

Port 3306 is the default port for the classic MySQL protocol ( port ), which is used by the mysql client, MySQL Connectors, and utilities such as mysqldump and mysqlpump. The port for X Protocol ( mysqlx_port ), supported by clients such as MySQL Shell, MySQL Connectors and MySQL Router, is calculated by multiplying the port used for classic MySQL protocol by 10. For example if the classic MySQL protocol port is the default value of 3306 then the X Protocol port is 33060.

Table 3-1 Client - Server Connection Ports

Default Port/Protocol Description SSL or other Encryption Required Direction
3306/TCP MySQL clients to the MySQL server (classic MySQL protocol) Yes Yes, unless you are only using X Protocol From the MySQL client to the MySQL server
33060/TCP MySQL clients to the MySQL server (X Protocol) Yes Yes, unless you are only using port 3306 From the MySQL client to the MySQL server

To verify the value of these ports on MySQL server, issue:

Press CTRL+C to copy
mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'port'; mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'mysqlx_port';

MySQL Administrative Connection Port

As of MySQL 8.0.14, the server permits a TCP/IP port to be configured specifically for administrative connections. This provides an alternative to the single administrative connection that is permitted on the network interfaces used for ordinary connections. For more information, see Administrative Connection Management.

Table 3-2 MySQL Administrative Connection Port

Default Port/Protocol Description SSL or other Encryption Required Direction
33062/TCP (default) A port configured specifically for MySQL administrative connections (classic MySQL protocol) Yes No From the MySQL client to the MySQL server

To verify the value of this port on MySQL server, issue:

Press CTRL+C to copy
mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'admin_port';

MySQL Shell Ports

MySQL Shell supports both X Protocol and classic MySQL protocol. For more information, see MySQL Shell 8.0.

Table 3-3 MySQL Shell Ports

Default Port/Protocol Description SSL or other Encryption Required Direction
3306/TCP MySQL client to the MySQL server (classic MySQL protocol) Yes Yes, unless you are only using X Protocol From MySQL Shell to the MySQL server
33060/TCP MySQL client to the MySQL server (X Protocol) Yes Yes, unless you are only using port 3306 From MySQL Shell to the MySQL server
33061/TCP The port used by MySQL Shell to check a server during InnoDB Cluster configuration Yes Yes, if running InnoDB Cluster From MySQL Shell to instances in an InnoDB Cluster

MySQL Workbench Ports

Table 3-4 MySQL Workbench Ports

Default Port/Protocol Description SSL or other Encryption Required Direction
3306/TCP MySQL client to the MySQL server (classic MySQL protocol) Yes Optional (use 3306, 33060, or 22) From MySQL Workbench to the MySQL server
22/TCP Connection via SSH tunnel Yes Optional (use 3306, 33060, or 22) From MySQL Workbench to the MySQL server

MySQL Client - MySQL Router Connection Ports

Table 3-5 Client - Router Connection Ports

Default Port/Protocol Description SSL or other Encryption Required Direction
6446/TCP Read-write SQL from the MySQL client to MySQL Router (classic MySQL protocol) Yes. Inherited from the MySQL client and server. If the client --ssl-mode is VERIFY_IDENTITY, the router must reside at the same IP address as the server. Required if MySQL Router provides read-write access MySQL client read-write to MySQL Router
6447/TCP Read-only SQL from the MySQL client to MySQL Router (classic MySQL protocol) Same as above Required if MySQL Router provides read-only access MySQL client read-only to MySQL Router
6448/TCP Read-write API calls from the MySQL client to MySQL Router (X Protocol) Same as above Required if MySQL Router provides read-write access MySQL client to MySQL Router
6449/TCP Read-only calls from the MySQL client to MySQL Router (X Protocol) Same as above Required if MySQL Router provides read-only access MySQL client to MySQL Router
3306/TCP MySQL Router to the MySQL server (classic MySQL protocol) Same as above Required MySQL Router to the MySQL server
33060/TCP MySQL Router to the MySQL server (X Protocol) Same as above Required MySQL Router to the MySQL server

High Availability Ports

Table 3-6 High Availability Ports

Default Port/Protocol Description SSL or other Encryption Required Direction
33061/TCP MySQL Group Replication internal communications port Yes Yes Group Replication communication between group members (InnoDB Cluster instances)
3306/TCP MySQL Replication Yes Yes Replica connection to the source

External Authentication Ports

Table 3-7 External Authentication Ports

Default Port/Protocol Description SSL or other Encryption Required Direction
389/TCP MySQL Enterprise Authentication (LDAP) Yes Only if using external authentication to LDAP. Also supports use of SASL MySQL Enterprise Authentication in MySQL server to LDAP
389/TCP MySQL Enterprise Authentication (Active Directory) Yes Only if using external authentication to LDAP MySQL Enterprise Authentication in MySQL server to Active Directory

Key Management Ports

Key management ports are used for the MySQL Keyring features and Transparent Data Encryption (TDE).

Table 3-8 Key Management Ports

Default Port/Protocol Description SSL or other Encryption Required Direction
Varies. Refer to your key manager/vault documentation. KMIP. Used with Oracle Key Vault, Gemalto KeySecure, Thales Vormetric key management server, and Fornetix Key Orchestration. Yes Only required if TDE uses a KMIP server N/A
443/TCP Key Services - AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) Yes Only required if TDE uses AWS KMS N/A

MySQL Enterprise Backup Ports

Table 3-9 MySQL Enterprise Backup Ports

Default Port/Protocol Description SSL or other Encryption Required Direction
3306/TCP Communication with the local instance Yes Optional. Can connect with TCP, socket, pipe, or memory. To the local instance
3306/TCP For InnoDB Cluster/Group Replication Yes Required for InnoDB Cluster Backup To members of the cluster/group
443/TCP Oracle Object Storage Yes Optional From MySQL Enterprise Backup to Oracle Object Storage
80/TCP Amazon S3 Yes Optional From MySQL Enterprise Backup to Amazon S3
Varies. Refer to your media management system documentation. Backup to Media Management System (MMS) through System Backup to Tape (SBT) Vendor dependent Optional From the memory management library to the media management server. Refer to your media management system documentation.

Memcached Protocol Port

Table 3-10 Memcached Protocol Port

Default Port/Protocol Description SSL or other Encryption Required Direction
11211/TCP InnoDB memcached Plugin No Optional From memcached client to InnoDB memcached plugin