9.2 Source Status

Lists the Source Status configuration metrics and provides a brief description of each.

Table 9.2 Source Status Configuration Metrics

Skip ErrorsErrors the server should skip.
Read OnlyServer in Read Only mode.
Super Read OnlyServer is in Super Read Only mode.
Binary Log Replica UpdatesLog replica updates enabled.
Compressed ProtocolCompressed protocol enabled.
Preserve Commit OrderPreserve Commit order enabled.
Allow BatchingIs batching allowed.
Load Data Temp DirectoryDirectory used for temporary files during replication updates.
Recovery Retry CountThe number of retry attempts during group replication recovery.
Recovery Reconnect IntervalTime in seconds between recovery reconnection attempts in group replication.
Recovery Complete AtWhen replication recovery was completed.
Recovery Use SSLSSL used during group replication recovery.
Recovery SSL Verify CertificateVerification of the server certificate during recovery with SSL.
Recovery SSL CA FilePath to the Certificate Authority file used for SSL verification during recovery.
Recovery SSL CA PathDirectory containing trusted CA certificates for SSL verification during recovery.
Recovery SSL CertificatePath to the SSL certificate used by the server during recovery.
Recovery SSL KeyPath to the private SSL key used by the server during recovery.
Recovery SSL CipherDefines allowable ciphers for SSL connections during recovery.
Recovery SSL CRL FilePath to the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) file for SSL during recovery.
Recovery SSL CRL PathDirectory path containing CRL files for SSL verification.
Replication Max Allowed PacketMaximum size of packets transmitted between source and replica.
Report HostHostname that the server reports to its replicas or clients.
Report PortPort number that the server reports to its replicas or clients.
Relay Log PurgeRelay log purge enabled.
Max Relay Log SizeMaximum size for a single relay log file.
Relay Log Space LimitMaximum disk space allocated for relay logs.
Relay LogBase name or path for relay log files.
Relay Log Info FileFile that stores metadata about relay log processing.
Relay Log BasenameBase name for relay log files.
Relay Log IndexFile that tracks the list of relay logs.
Single Primary ModeSingle-primary mode in group replication enabled.
Bootstrap GroupUsed to initialize the group replication group.
Start On BootGroup replication starts automatically on server boot.
Enforce Update Everywhere ChecksUpdate-everywhere mode enabled.
Allow Local Lower Version JoinAllows servers running lower MySQL versions to join the group replication group.
Components Stop TimeoutTime (in seconds) to wait for group replication components to stop during shutdown.
Gtid Assignment Block SizeNumber of GTIDs the server can assign in a single block.
Local AddressLocal address used by the server for group replication communication.
Force MembersSpecifies the list of group members for reconfiguration.
SSL ModeDefines the SSL mode for group replication communication.
IP WhitelistSpecifies the allowed IP addresses or ranges for group replication communication.
Group SeedsList of group member addresses used during group formation.
Flow Control ModeMode for flow control in group replication.
Flow Control Certifier ThresholdThreshold for certifier queue size before enabling flow control.
Flow Control Applier ThresholdThreshold for applier queue size before enabling flow control.
Poll Spin LoopsNumber of spin loops used during polling in group replication.
Compression ThresholdMinimum message size (in bytes) for compression in group replication.
Source Info RepositorySpecifies where the source information is stored.
Sync Source InfoSynchronizes the source info file to disk after each update.
Sync Relay Log InfoSynchronizes the relay log info file to disk after each update.
Relay Log Info RepositorySpecifies where relay log information is stored.
Transaction RetriesSpecifies the number of retries for a transaction before considering it failed.
Exec ModeReplica exec mode.
Type ConversionsSpecifies how data type conversions are handled on the replica.
Init FilePath to an SQL file executed during server startup.
Rows Search AlgorithmSpecifies the search algorithms for applying row-based updates on replicas.
Parallel WorkersNumber of parallel workers for transaction application on the replica.
Parallel TypeHow transactions are assigned to parallel workers.
Pending Jobs Max SizeMaximum size of the pending jobs queue for parallel replication.
Checkpoint GroupNumber of transactions applied before a checkpoint in parallel replication.
Checkpoint PeriodMaximum interval (in seconds) between checkpoints in parallel replication.