Enterprise Manager
Lists the Source Status configuration metrics and provides a brief description of each.
Table 9.2 Source Status Configuration Metrics
Name | Description |
Skip Errors | Errors the server should skip. |
Read Only | Server in Read Only mode. |
Super Read Only | Server is in Super Read Only mode. |
Binary Log Replica Updates | Log replica updates enabled. |
Compressed Protocol | Compressed protocol enabled. |
Preserve Commit Order | Preserve Commit order enabled. |
Allow Batching | Is batching allowed. |
Load Data Temp Directory | Directory used for temporary files during replication updates. |
Recovery Retry Count | The number of retry attempts during group replication recovery. |
Recovery Reconnect Interval | Time in seconds between recovery reconnection attempts in group replication. |
Recovery Complete At | When replication recovery was completed. |
Recovery Use SSL | SSL used during group replication recovery. |
Recovery SSL Verify Certificate | Verification of the server certificate during recovery with SSL. |
Recovery SSL CA File | Path to the Certificate Authority file used for SSL verification during recovery. |
Recovery SSL CA Path | Directory containing trusted CA certificates for SSL verification during recovery. |
Recovery SSL Certificate | Path to the SSL certificate used by the server during recovery. |
Recovery SSL Key | Path to the private SSL key used by the server during recovery. |
Recovery SSL Cipher | Defines allowable ciphers for SSL connections during recovery. |
Recovery SSL CRL File | Path to the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) file for SSL during recovery. |
Recovery SSL CRL Path | Directory path containing CRL files for SSL verification. |
Replication Max Allowed Packet | Maximum size of packets transmitted between source and replica. |
Report Host | Hostname that the server reports to its replicas or clients. |
Report Port | Port number that the server reports to its replicas or clients. |
Relay Log Purge | Relay log purge enabled. |
Max Relay Log Size | Maximum size for a single relay log file. |
Relay Log Space Limit | Maximum disk space allocated for relay logs. |
Relay Log | Base name or path for relay log files. |
Relay Log Info File | File that stores metadata about relay log processing. |
Relay Log Basename | Base name for relay log files. |
Relay Log Index | File that tracks the list of relay logs. |
Single Primary Mode | Single-primary mode in group replication enabled. |
Bootstrap Group | Used to initialize the group replication group. |
Start On Boot | Group replication starts automatically on server boot. |
Enforce Update Everywhere Checks | Update-everywhere mode enabled. |
Allow Local Lower Version Join | Allows servers running lower MySQL versions to join the group replication group. |
Components Stop Timeout | Time (in seconds) to wait for group replication components to stop during shutdown. |
Gtid Assignment Block Size | Number of GTIDs the server can assign in a single block. |
Local Address | Local address used by the server for group replication communication. |
Force Members | Specifies the list of group members for reconfiguration. |
SSL Mode | Defines the SSL mode for group replication communication. |
IP Whitelist | Specifies the allowed IP addresses or ranges for group replication communication. |
Group Seeds | List of group member addresses used during group formation. |
Flow Control Mode | Mode for flow control in group replication. |
Flow Control Certifier Threshold | Threshold for certifier queue size before enabling flow control. |
Flow Control Applier Threshold | Threshold for applier queue size before enabling flow control. |
Poll Spin Loops | Number of spin loops used during polling in group replication. |
Compression Threshold | Minimum message size (in bytes) for compression in group replication. |
Source Info Repository | Specifies where the source information is stored. |
Sync Source Info | Synchronizes the source info file to disk after each update. |
Sync Relay Log Info | Synchronizes the relay log info file to disk after each update. |
Relay Log Info Repository | Specifies where relay log information is stored. |
Transaction Retries | Specifies the number of retries for a transaction before considering it failed. |
Exec Mode | Replica exec mode. |
Type Conversions | Specifies how data type conversions are handled on the replica. |
Init File | Path to an SQL file executed during server startup. |
Rows Search Algorithm | Specifies the search algorithms for applying row-based updates on replicas. |
Parallel Workers | Number of parallel workers for transaction application on the replica. |
Parallel Type | How transactions are assigned to parallel workers. |
Pending Jobs Max Size | Maximum size of the pending jobs queue for parallel replication. |
Checkpoint Group | Number of transactions applied before a checkpoint in parallel replication. |
Checkpoint Period | Maximum interval (in seconds) between checkpoints in parallel replication. |