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Upcoming conferences to learn more about MySQL Cluster & Replication

There are a couple of conferences coming up where you can expect to learn about the latest developments in MySQL Cluster and MySQL Replication (as well as what else is happening in MySQL 5.6).

The first is the Oracle MySQL Innovation Day which is being held in Oracle HQ at Redwood Shores. This is an all-day event on 5th June – unfortunately I won’t be able to attend this one but there will be lots of great Cluster and replication sessions. If you can’t make it out to California then there will be a live Webcast. You can register here to attend in person or join the webcast.

The second is MySQL Connect – this runs the weekend before Oracle OpenWorld in San Francisco; it’s not  until 29th September but it’s worth registering now to get the early bird pricing and save $500 (end 13th July). There are lots of great sessions lined up both from the MySQL experts within Oracle and users and community members.