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MySQL Workbench Release Candidate 2 Available For Download

Shortly after getting RC1 out we have now released RC2. We fixed a few issues that were reported after RC1 was out, thanks for that! In addition to that we included a first version of the GRT Scripting IDE that will play a key role for the MySQL Workbench community in the future.

The GRT Scripting IDE allows to easily create scripts, libraries and modules that extend the core Workbench functionality. We will add detailed documentation and tutorials that will get people started. Vlad is hosting a tutorial on this topic at the upcoming MySQL Users Conference as well.

We also plan to create an online repository where people can share their Workbench extensions – think Firefox Extensions – but also including things like diagram-snippets, sample models and much more.

Please give RC2 a try and report your findings on the forums or via the bug system.

MySQL Workbench Forums


p.s. “GRT” stands for “Generic Runtime”, the scripting environment we have originally created for the MySQL Migration Toolkit but improved since back then. It allows to combine and add modules in many different languages like Lua, Python, Java, C++, …