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MySQL Workbench RC3 Build Done - To Be Released Soon

We have now completed the RC3 build and will test it over the weekend. If we do not find any major issues we will release on Monday. There are a bunch of fixes in this release again. Here are the higlights.

  • Syntax Highlighting activated for all schema object editors
    The syntax highlighter we used for the Lua scripts has proven itself since the last release so we decided to replace the dull standard edit controls
  • Canvas Speed Optimizations
    Alfredo found a stupid bug that was disabling all the caching that he built into the canvas. The speed has improved a lot and there is still room for a lot more
  • Description Palette
    We have now enabled the Description Palette that directly shows the description text associated with the currently selected schema objects. This makes instant documentation of schema objects on the diagram as well as the overview page much simpler

We will add a detailed changelog as usual when we publish the release.
