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MySQL Workbench Pre-Beta Hackfest - Bring It On!

Following our plan to release the MySQL Workbench 5.1 Beta1 later this week we have uploaded a last Alpha build for Ubuntu and the Mac for you to check for serious issues. The following binaries will not be published on our official download site but are only available trought the following links.

Please join us in our #workbench IRC channel on freenode to discuss issues or simply leave a comment here.

To verify your downloads please check the md5 sums:

3feb64fd5dbd5384ad43c639228bb792  mysql-workbench-oss-5.1.8-1-alpha-i386.deb


To install use dpkg -i mysql-workbench-oss-5.1.8-1-alpha-i386.deb on Ubuntu 32bit or

unzip the file on your Mac OS X 10.5 and drag the to your Applications directory.

If you want to test with an existing model file you can download the Sakila Workbench model file from here.

Have fun!