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MySQL Shell 8.0.23 - What's New?

The MySQL team is proud to announce the general availability of version 8.0.23 of the MySQL Shell.

In addition to a considerable number of bugs fixed, the following changes were introduced.

Improved Import Table

The importTable utility continues getting better, the following enhancements:

  • Multiple file import: it is now supported to load a defined set of files into the same table, glob patterns can be used to determine the files to be loaded.
  • Compressed file support: the utility supports the gzip and zstd compression formats. Compressed files will be read by from storage in the compressed format and a parallel approach is used to decompress the data and import it into the target table. 

For additional details about the new features please consult the User Guide.

Admin API Enhancements

High level diagnostic information for the cluster instances is now included on the output of the cluster.status() function, making it easier to determine the root cause of the different problems that can occur including:

  • Member being expelled
  • Split brain scenario
  • Applier errors

For ReplicaSets additional information is included for replication channels when an instance is in a recovery process.

Both InnoDB Cluster and InnoDB Replicasets have been improved to use parallel appliers on the recovery process reducing the replication lag.

For additional details please visit MySQL Shell AdminAPI – What’s new in 8.0.23?


For details about the MySQL Shell please take a look at the MySQL Shell User Guide.

For additional details about features introduced by this version and the full list of fixed bugs take a look at the Release Notes.

Don’t forget to download it and give it a try:

Your feedback is very welcome!

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