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MySQL for Excel 1.3.8 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

The MySQL Windows Experience Team is proud to announce the release of MySQL for Excel version 1.3.8. This is a maintenance release for 1.3.x. It can be used for production environments.

MySQL for Excel is an application plug-in enabling data analysts to very easily access and manipulate MySQL data within Microsoft Excel. It enables you to directly work with a MySQL database from within Microsoft Excel so you can easily do tasks such as:

  * Importing MySQL Data into Excel

  * Exporting Excel data directly into MySQL to a new or existing table

  * Editing MySQL data directly within Excel

MySQL for Excel is installed using the MySQL Installer for Windows.

The MySQL Installer comes in 2 versions

– Full (400 MB) which includes a complete set of MySQL products with
  their binaries included in the download.

– Web (18 MB – a network install) which will just pull the MySQL for
  Excel over the web and install it when run.

You can download MySQL Installer from our official Downloads page at

The MySQL for Excel product can also be downloaded by using the product standalone installer found at this link

Changes in MySQL for Excel 1.3.8 (2019-06-10, General Availability)

     * Functionality Added or Changed

     * Bugs Fixed

Functionality Added or Changed

     * Previously, 1000 (first rows of a MySQL table) was the
       value limit for previewing a small amount of data in
       Excel. However, setting the value to 300 or greater
       generated an exception and prevented additional editing
       operations. The upper threshold now is 100, instead of
       1000 (see Advanced Import Data Options, General Tab
options-advanced-general)). (Bug #29745518)

     * A new global option, Tolerance for FLOAT and DOUBLE
       comparisons in WHERE clause, provides a way to edit data
       of these types that enables proper row-matching in the
       database when it is used together with optimistic updates
       (see Global Options, Edit Sessions Tab
dit-sessions)). (Bug #29179195, Bug #93824)

     * The Import Data operation adds digits to floating-point
       numbers. For example, instead of rendering a value such
       as 5.3 precisely from the database, the operation
       displays 5.0000019073486 after importing the data. This
       behavior affects FLOAT and DOUBLE data types, which
       adhere to the IEEE-754 standard and are stored as
       approximate values.
       A new option now provides a way to import floating-point
       numbers using the DECIMAL data type, which then stores
       and displays the exact value from the database (see
       Advanced Import Data Options, Formatting Tab
advanced-format)). (Bug #26008777)

     * Support was added for encrypted connections in the form
       of SSL certificates and SSH tunneling, without the
       requirement of having intermediate proxy software to
       create the tunnel. Encrypted connections can be
       configured from the MySQL for Excel add-in directly or
       they can be configured with MySQL Workbench and then used
       to open a connection from the add-in. (Bug #18550080)

     * The Import Data operation for stored procedures now
       enables the selection of individual columns to be
       imported from each returned result set, which is similar
       to the way imported column data already works for table
       and view data. (Bug #16239029)

Bugs Fixed

     * The Export and Append Data actions for a cell with data
       in a worksheet were transferred unexpectedly to a cell
       without data on a second worksheet when the active focus
       was shifted to the second worksheet. (Bug #29839647)

     * A lack of contrast between onscreen message data and the
       background obscured the connection information when some
       themes (such as Dark Gray) were set on the host. This fix
       extends the selected theme colors to the MySQL for Excel
       add-in for the following versions of Excel: 2007, 2010,
       2013, 2016, 365, and 2019. (Bug #29826900)

     * When mappings were stored for Append Data operations, the
       add-in did not check for blank and duplicate stored
       mapping names. Now, validation ensures that all names are
       unique and that existing names are not overwritten
       without permission. (Bug #29826762)

     * Microsoft Excel prompted users to save workbooks that
       were unchanged. This fix alters the way metadata for
       connection information (used by Import and Edit Data
       operations) is created and stored, and ignores unrelated
       actions. (Bug #29625731)

     * When schema information was retrieved using a stored
       procedure, the operation was unable to find the
       mysql.proc system table. The operation now retrieves
       schema information from INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables.
       (Bug#29215137, Bug #93814)

     * With the option to create Excel relationships for
       imported tables enabled, an attempt to import a table
       (with related tables) generated an exception when the
       tables had circular references. This fix modifies the way
       relationships are created for Import Data operations for
       multiple tables, such that relationships among tables
       that could create a circular reference are not added to
       the Excel data model. (Bug #29050558)

     * The Edit Data operation returned an error message
       intermittently (value not suitable to be converted to a
       DateTime data type), even for tables without a DATETIME
       column. This fix updates the library used for internal
       connections to MySQL 8.0 server instances and the
       caching_sha2_password plugin. In addition, the updated
       library resolves an error in which fetched schema
       information for columns returns the rows in alphabetical
       order, instead of ordinal order. (Bug #29030866,

     * Data imported to a worksheet could not be refreshed if
       the worksheet was renamed after the import operation. The
       add-in now inspects the connection information of
       imported tables to determine whether the associated
       worksheet name changed, and if so, it updates the
       connection metadata. Also, it removes the connection
       information for missing or deleted worksheets.
       (Bug#27441407, Bug #89387)

     * After editing, committing, and then refreshing the data
       from the database, subsequent commits were not recognized
       by the Edit Data operation. (Bug #27365464, Bug #87642)

     * An error was generated when an Edit Data operation
       involved changing the value of a date or time field. Now
       the value of each date or time field is wrapped with
       single quotes and the edits are saved to the database.
       (Bug #26301455, Bug #86723)

     * When an existing workbook was opened, a second (blank)
       workbook instance was also opened. (Bug #26245818,

     * Some unsupported connection methods were shown as valid
       options to select. (Bug #26025950)

     * The Windows automatic scaling of visual elements did not
       work as expected when the operating system was configured
       to use a DPI value other than 100%. (Bug #23218058,

Quick links:
MySQL for Excel documentation:
Inside MySQL blog (NEW blog home): /
MySQL on Windows blog (OLD blog home):
MySQL for Excel forum:
MySQL YouTube channel:

Enjoy and thanks for the support!
The MySQL on Windows team at Oracle.