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MySQL Connector/NET 7.0.4 m3 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.4 is the first development release that expands cross-platform support to Linux and OS X when using Microsoft’s .NET Core framework. Now, .NET developers can use the X DevAPI with .NET Core and Entity Framework Core (EF Core) 1.0 to create server applications that run on Windows, Linux and OS X. We are very excited about this change and really look forward to your feedback on it!

MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.4 is also the third development release of MySQL Connector/Net to add support for the new X DevAPI. The X DevAPI enables application developers to write code that combines the strengths of the relational and document models using a modern, NoSQL-like syntax that does not assume previous experience writing traditional SQL.

To learn more about how to write applications using the X DevAPI, see For more information about how the X DevAPI is implemented in Connector/Net, see

Please note that the X DevAPI requires at least MySQL Server version 5.7.12 or higher with the X Plugin enabled. For general documentation about how to get started using MySQL as a document store, see

To download MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.4 M3, see the “Development Releases” tab at

Also you can find the new nuget packages for the .net core framework at the nuget gallery or using the following direct links:

MySql.Data package for core framework

MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkcore for core framework

Packages for full .net framework

MySql.Data package

MySql.Data.Entity package

MySql.Web package

MySql.Fabric package

Functionality Added or Changed in 7.0.4 M3 development release

  • Added X DevAPI support for URI connection strings in the following formats:
  • Added X DevAPI support for flexible parameter lists that do not require string parsing.
  • Views are no longer implemented using a separate View class in the X DevAPI. Instead, the IsView property has been added to the Table class and views are implemented as tables.
  • Added in MySql.Data support for .NET Core 1.0, which runs on Windows, OS X, and Linux.
  • Added in MySQL.Data.EntityFrameworkCore support for Entity Framework (EF) Core (includes support for .NET Framework 4.5.1).

Bugs Fixed

  • Passing no document or a DbDoc object that contained an empty array to the Add() method of a collection would throw an exception. Now, passing in either an empty document or array of documents returns a Results object in which RecordsAffected is zero. (Bug #23542066)
  • Passing a DbDoc object that contained an array to the Add() method of a collection would throw an exception. (Bug #23542031)

We love to hear your thoughts or any comments you have about our product. Please send us your feedback at our forums, fill a bug at our community site, or leave us any comment at the social media channels.

Enjoy and thanks for the support!

On behalf of the MySQL Connector/Net team