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MySQL Connector/NET 6.10.2 beta has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Net 6.10.2 beta is the third release which supports Scaffold-DbContext, that enables the creation of corresponding model classes from an existing database that are compatible with Entity Framework (EF) Core 1.1.

To download MySQL Connector/Net 6.10.2 beta, see the “Development Releases” tab at

Changes in MySQL Connector/Net 6.10.2 (2017-07-04, Beta)

Functionality Added or Changed

* The previously deprecated Old Syntax (OldSyntax, Use Old Syntax, UseOldSyntax) connection-string option was removed.

* EF Core: Tables from an existing database can be specified with command-line tools when scaffolding a DbContext. The MySQL provider generates an entity type for each table in the DbContext. By default, all tables in the database are included unless a list of tables is provided.

For Package Manager Console Tools, use the Scaffold-DbContext command with the -Table <tablename, tablename, …> common parameter.

For .NET Core CLI Tools, use the dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold command with the
–table option for each table to add.

* EF Core: The MySQL provider now creates a new schema when the entity.ToTable method within a derived DbContext class specifies the name of a nonexistent schema.

* EF Core: The Connector/Net implementation of EF Core now includes extended maximum lengths for several string data types to enable the use of longer strings.

* Connector/Net no longer supports MySQL Fabric.

Bugs Fixed

* EF Core: The –force option when used with the dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold command did not overwrite the existing output files as expected. (Bug #25493508)

* EF Core: The Database First command used to create a DbContext class emitted an error when used with either the sakila or world database sample. (Bug #25493336)

* EF Core: The Database First feature did not support the following data types: BINARY, VARBINARY, MEDIUMBLOB, LONGBLOB, SET, DATE, TIME, and YEAR. (Bug #25493209)

* EF Core: JSON data exchange format was not supported by the Database First feature. (Bug #25493143)

* EF Core: Database First support produced an error when the existing MySQL database included one or more views. (Bug #25493086)

* EF Core: Using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema.TableAttribute to initialize a new class instance that specified the name of an existing MySQL table produced incorrect mappings of table and column names. (Bug #25394223, Bug #84423)

Nuget packages are available at:

Enjoy and thanks for the support!

On behalf of the MySQL Release Team,
Nawaz Nazeer Ahamed