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MySQL Connector/J 6.0.4 has been released

We are pleased to announce the next development release of MySQL Connector/J 6.0 which supports both JDBC 4.2 API and the new X DevAPI.

MySQL Connector/J 6.0.4 can be downloaded from the official distribution channels MySQL Downloads (see the “Development Releases” tab) and The Central repository. MySQL Connector/J source is also available on GitHub.

As always, we recommend that you check the CHANGES file in the download archive and/or the release notes to be aware of changes in behavior that might affect your application.

For documentation please visit the MySQL Connector/J 6.0 Developer Guide.

Note that Connector/J 6.0.4 is a milestone release and not intended for production usage.

I’d like to highlight the most important changes in this release:

X DevAPI connection string

The prefix used in connection string for X DevAPI is now unified between MySQL connectors. The “mysql:x:” we used in previous Connector/J 6.0 releases doesn’t work anymore, please use the “mysqlx:” one to establish XSession:

// Connect to server on localhost
String url = "mysqlx://localhost:33060/test?user=mike&password=s3cr3t!"
XSession mySession = new MysqlxSessionFactory().getSession(url);

X DevAPI support for views

The com.mysql.cj.api.x.Table interface now represents both database tables and views. Schema.getTables() returns a list of Table objects for each existing database Table and View. Schema.getTable(name) also returns a Table object if the object with a given name is a View.

A new Table interface method was added:

     * Check if the underlying object is a view or not.
     * @return true if this Table is a View
    boolean isView();

The com.mysql.cj.api.x.View interface existed in previous Connector/J 6.0 releases isn’t available in Connector/J 6.0.4.

MySQL server compliance

MySQL Connector/J 6.0.4 is suitable for use with MySQL server versions 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7 via Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 4.2 API.

Due to changes in X Protocol implementation MySQL Connector/J 6.0.4 requires at least MySQL 5.7.14 server when working via X DevAPI.


Enjoy this new Connector/J and thank you all for your support!

On behalf of the MySQL Connector/J Team.