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MySQL Connector/C++ 2.0.4 m2 has been released

MySQL Connector/C++ 2.0.4 is the next development milestone of the MySQL

Connector/C++ 2.0 series. Connector/C++ 2.0 can be used to access MySQL
implementing Document Store or in a traditional way, using SQL queries. It
allows writing both C++ applications using X DevAPI or plain C applications
using XAPI.

To learn more about how to write applications using X DevAPI, see X
DevAPI User Guide ( and X
DevAPI reference at For more
information about using plain C XAPI see XAPI reference at For generic
information on using Connector/C++ 2.0, see


Connector/C++ 2.0 requires MySQL Server version 5.7.12 or higher
with X Plugin enabled. For general documentation about how to get
started using MySQL as a document store, see Using MySQL as a Document
Store (

To download MySQL Connector/C++ 2.0.4, see the “Development Releases”
tab at

Changes in MySQL Connector/C++ 2.0.4 (2017-03-21, Development

Functionality Added or Changed

  • Support was added for secure sessions over TLS
    connections. A secure session can be requested either via
    the ssl-enable and ssl-ca options of a connection string,
    or using explicit session creation options. For X DevAPI
    session settings, see
    For XAPI session settings, see
    (check the documentation for enum mysqlx_opt_type_t).
  • The format of document ID values generated when adding
    documents to a collation has changed. It is still a
    string of 32 hexadecimal digits based on UUID, but the
    order of digits was changed to match the requirement of a
    stable ID prefix.
  • The X DevAPI Schema object now supports methods for view
    manipulation: createView(), alterView(), and dropView().
    XAPI now contains functions that implement similar
    functionality: mysqlx_view_create(),
    mysqlx_view_replace(), mysqlx_view_modify(), and
    (implemented previously) mysqlx_view_drop().
    As with other XAPI operations, there are functions that
    create a statement handle without executing it:
    mysqlx_view_create_new(), mysqlx_view_replace_new(), and
    These XAPI functions modify view DDL statements before
    execution: mysqlx_set_view_algorithm(),
    mysqlx_set_view_definer(), and mysqlx_set_view_columns().
  • Connector/C++ now supports IPv6 target hosts in
    connection strings and when creating sessions using other

Bugs Fixed

  • When rList is an empty list, table.insert().rows(rList)
    caused a segmentation fault. (Bug #25515964)

On Behalf of the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team