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MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.11 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.11 is the first general availability release of
Connector/NET to add support for the new X DevAPI. The X DevAPI
enables application developers to write code that combines the strengths
of the relational and document models using a modern, NoSQL-like syntax
that does not assume previous experience writing traditional SQL.

To learn more about how to write applications using the X DevAPI, see For more
information about how the X DevAPI is implemented in Connector/NET, see Users relying on NuGet                packages need to install the MySql.Data package to be able to use the                          X DevAPI.

Please note that the X DevAPI requires at least MySQL Server version
5.7.12 or higher with the X Plugin enabled. For general documentation
about how to get started using MySQL as a document store, see

To download Connector/NET 8.0.11, see

Installation instructions can be found at

Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.11 (2018-04-19)

   Functionality Added or Changed

     * X DevAPI: Connector/NET now supports the NOWAIT and
       SKIP_LOCKED locking options introduced in the MySQL 8.0
       release series (see SELECT Syntax
       The following changes were made to the Connector/NET API:

          + The LockContention enumeration (with values
            Default=0, NoWait=1 and SkipLocked=2) was added. The
            Default enumeration member represents the previous
            behavior of waiting for the row locks to be

          + The existing LockShared() and LockExclusive() method
            signatures were modified to include the new
            LockContention parameter. Both methods are members
            of the MySqlX.XdevAPI.CRUD.FindStatement and

          + Usage examples:
// Default behavior - waits for the row locks to release


// New - fails if the rows are locked

// New - succeeds excluding the locked rows from the result

     * X DevAPI: Previously, when documents without an _id
       attribute were added to a collection, Connector/NET
       automatically generated IDs for them. Now the server
       generates the _id attribute, unless a document already
       contains one. The generated IDs resulting from a
       document-add operation can be obtained using the new
       Result.GeneratedIds property, which returns a list.
       This capability requires a MySQL 8.0 GA server. If the
       server does not support document ID generation, the
       document-add operation returns an error indicating that
       document IDs were missing.
       Incompatibility: The GeneratedIds property replaces the
       DocumentId and DocumentIds properties, which are now

     * X DevAPI: Support for the SHA256_MEMORY authentication
       mechanism was added to enable non-PLAIN insecure
       connections (without SSL) for user accounts with
       caching_sha2_password, which is the default
       authentication plugin introduced in the MySQL 8.0 release
       series. The changes related to this support include:

          + New synonyms for the auth connection string option:
            authentication and authentication mode (see General

          + A new authentication mode for the
            MySqlAuthenticationMode enumeration: SHA256_MEMORY.
            In addition, the Default member now has a new
            synonym: Auto=0.

          + A new class:

     * Support was added for the new caching_sha2_password
       padding mechanism introduced in the MySQL 8.0 release
       series. The new padding mechanism is enabled when all of
       the following conditions apply:

          + The user account is set with the
            caching_sha2_password authentication plugin.

          + SSL is disabled explicitly (SslMode=none).

          + The AllowPublicKeyRetrieval connection option is
            enabled (AllowPublicKeyRetrieval=true).
       When enabled, the new padding mechanism is used to encode
       the password during RSA key encryption, which applies the
       correct padding to match the server.

   Bugs Fixed

     * Attempting to open the MySQL Web Configuration Tool, with
       Connector/NET and MySQL for Visual Studio prerequisites
       installed properly, displayed an error message instead of
       opening the tool. (Bug #27457398, Bug #88544)

     * MySQL Installer could not be installed with NuGet
       packages from Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. (Bug
       #27251839, Bug #88838)

     * When a decimal column was defined with a scale of zero,
       such as DECIMAL(8, 0), the value of the NumericPrecision
       field returned by the MySqlDataReader.GetSchemaTable
       method was lower by one. For example, it returned 7
       instead of 8 as expected. (Bug #26954812, Bug #88058)

     * The data table returned by the
       MySqlDataReader.GetSchemaTable method had an inaccurate
       value of zero assigned to the ColumnSize field for
       LONGTEXT and LONGBLOB data types, and also indicated that
       the IsLong field value was false when it should have
       returned true. (Bug #26876592, Bug #87876)

     * The MySqlDataReader.GetSchemaTable method returned
       different column-size values when used with different
       character sets. (Bug #26876582, Bug #87868)

     * Support for making a secure connection to a server
       configured to use TLSv1.2 was limited by external
       factors. (Bug #25689154)

     * Connection strings that included TLS/SSL connection
       parameters in URI type-string format generated an
       exception instead of making a connection with the X
       Protocol. (Bug #24510329)

     * Attempting to generate an Entity Framework model from a
       MySQL 5.7 database using either EF5 or EF6 produced an
       exception that prevented the operation from generating
       the expected model. (Bug #22173048, Bug #79163)