It was with pride I entered the stage at the Percona MySQL Conference yesterday to receive the “Storage Engine of the Year 2013 award” for ndb (the MySQL Cluster storage engine). Thank you very much, on behalf of myself and the MySQL Cluster engineering team. The team has done a great work over the past 10 years to harden the product, and add new features. MySQL Cluster milestone 7.3.2 was just released. It will be my pleasure to present the “trophy” some members of the team when I get back to Stockholm. Please see a previous post for how the MySQL Cluster journey began for myself and the ndb team 10 years ago.
MySQL Cluster gets a Community Award
- Backup (3)
- Character Sets (16)
- Connectors / Languages (14)
- Data Dictionary (11)
- Document Store, JSON (32)
- GIS (15)
- High Availability / Replication (182)
- InnoDB (57)
- Miscellaneous (84)
- Monitoring (18)
- NDB (73)
- Optimizer (56)
- Performance (5)
- Router (4)
- Security (62)
- Shell (30)
- Thread Pool (1)
- Upgrading (15)
- Windows / .NET (21)
- Workbench (46)