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EOL of MySQL Query Browser, MySQL Administrator, MySQL Migration Toolkit

With the beta releases of MySQL Workbench 5.2 well under way, we recently announced the EOL ( of the MySQL GUI Tools Bundle.

The MySQL Tools team has been working on MySQL Workbench 5.2 to give DBAs and developers an integrated tools environment for:

  • Database Design & Modeling
  • SQL Development (replacing MySQL Query Browser)
  • Database Administration (replacing MySQL Administrator)

MySQL Workbench 5.2 also provides:

  • Remote Administration (using SSH-Tunneling)
  • Python scripting and plugins
  • Native GUI for Windows, Mac, Linux

A future release of MySQL Workbench (post 5.2) will add a migration plugin, providing features comparable to the MySQL Migration Toolkit component of the MySQL GUI Tools Bundle.  We will also be adding many other enhancements and new features.

Thanks go out to the community for the great feedback, new ideas, and bug reports on Workbench.  That helps immensely. We promise to keep listening and working hard to incorporate your feedback in improving the product.

To learn more about MySQL Workbench:

Best Regards,

Mike Zinner, Lead MySQL GUI Tools