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Connector/J moves to Git

I’m pleased to announce that Connector/J has a new home.

Just as several other MySQL products, Connector/J source code management moved to Git and, pretty much as expected, to GitHub. Our reasoning is nothing else than listening to our users demands and trying to follow best trends and practices. There was nothing significantly wrong with Bazaar and Launchpad, as they served us well for the last seven years. It was just time to move on.

Rest assured, all will work as before, no complications no hassles. Our public GitHub repository will expose Connector/J source code as it is in the latest generally available (GA) release, as it has been for the last years.

From now on you will find Connector/J source code in the well known Git repository hosting service, GitHub, at mysql-connector-j under the umbrella of MySQL organization. Other MySQL products will follow in time. This repository contains all history since Connector/J early days so nothing was lost. Those who are used to our old launchpad repository will only have to change tools.


GitHub allows you to explore source code, project history, get to know about contributions and a lot more. But you probably already know all of this anyway.

So, to get the Connector/J source code you can just execute the following command in your preferred shell or command prompt:

$ git clone

You can also fetch the code through SSH protocol, using Subversion or simply download it as a zip file. Obviously, in order for you to execute git commands, you’ll have to have it installed in your computer. Just follow the official getting started guide if you don’t have it yet.

Building MySQL Connector/J 5.1 from source

Some time ago I have blogged about building Connector/J from source code. Nothing changes in this post, except for the replacement of Bazaar and Launchpad by Git and GitHub respectively and the bzr  command that is replaced by the git  command mentioned above.

We love to hear from you

As always, don’t forget to use our official channels to report us your wishes, findings or just ask for help when you need it. We can be found at MySQL Bugs database or MySQL Connector/JDBC and Java forum. Thank you!

Welcome to Connector/J on Git!
Farewell Bazaar. Farewell Launchpad. Thank you for the 7 years of good services.