Last week’s webinar on getting started with MySQL Cluster and the scaling it out is now available to download fromĀ

It was great that so many people were able to attend live but if you missed it then the replay is a good way to catch up.
This session demonstrates how to start an evaluation of the MySQL Cluster database in 5 easy steps, and then how to expand your deployment for web & telecoms-scale services.
The getting started section covers:
- Getting the software
- Installing it
- Configuring it
- Running it
- Testing it
Scaling for HA and the web describes how to:
- Review the requirements for a HA configuration
- Install the software on more servers
- Update & extend the configuration from a single host to 4
- Roll out the changes
- On-line scaling to add further nodes
After a quick introduction, the webinar is very much a hands-on demonstration of these steps; if you want to try it for yourself then I’d suggest also downloading the MySQL Cluster quick start guide for your platform where you’ll also find a Flash video showing the creation of a MySQL Cluster in real-time.