Worklog Tasks

Worklog #:
Displaying 741 to 760 of 2400 total results

ID Task Title Modified Version Status
WL#1007 Check GCC profiling based branch prediction 2009-08-26 23:40:18 Benchmarks-3.0 Assigned
WL#5070 Prepare Sql_cmd class for addition of new statement classes 2009-09-03 13:00:02 Complete
WL#4063 Online Backup: Finalize backup stream format 2009-09-08 14:21:54 Server-6.0 Complete
WL#3786 Cluster -Telco Release Testing Main 2009-09-09 03:38:14 Assigned
WL#3977 Differentiate float from double within the server 2009-09-10 18:44:16 WorkLog-3.4 Un-Assigned
WL#5095 SQL command class extensions 2009-09-14 11:55:41 Server-9.x Un-Assigned
WL#4771 Online Backup: Test cross-platform compatibility 2009-09-16 17:00:02 Server-5.4 Complete
WL#4044 Online backup: Large data test 2009-09-24 06:00:01 Complete
WL#4769 Backup: Test validity point without micro-managing sync points 2009-09-28 16:00:01 Server-6.0 Complete
WL#4648 Prototype for multi-threaded slave for row-based replication 2009-09-29 15:13:18 Server-Prototype Only Complete
WL#4877 Fix server header files 2009-10-06 12:40:00 Server-9.x In-Design
WL#5140 fit mysys/test_ programs into the unit test framework 2009-10-19 15:07:40 Server-9.x Un-Assigned
WL#5141 fit myisam/*test* programs into the unit test framework 2009-10-19 21:51:32 Server-9.x Un-Assigned
WL#4259 Debug Sync Facility 2009-10-26 19:39:32 Server-5.1 Complete
WL#3220 Loose index scan for aggregate functions 2009-11-17 11:39:41 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#3759 Optimize identifier conversion in client-server protocol 2009-11-17 11:41:07 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#4085 Discontinue the Instance Manager 2009-11-17 11:41:37 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#4642 Greek locale for DAYNAME, MONTHNAME, DATE_FORMAT 2009-11-17 12:16:37 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#751 Error message construction 2009-11-17 12:17:21 Server-5.5 Complete
WL#1349 Use operating system localization to send it as a default client character set 2009-11-17 12:18:28 Server-5.5 Complete