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Displaying 601 to 607 of 607 total results
autotune [--dryrun] [--sequential-restart] [--writeload=writeload] template cluster_name writeload: {low|medium|high} template: {web|realtime|test} The command autotune a number of parameters for the cluster according to the specified values for ...
These commands are issued to the management agent using the mysql client program included with the MySQL NDB Cluster distribution (for information about the mysql client not specific to using MySQL Cluster Manager, see mysql — The MySQL ...
About the Utility Requirements and Restrictions Running the Utility Options for Collecting Diagnostics About the Utility util.debug.collectSlowQueryDiagnostics() runs multiple iterations of diagnostic reporting on your MySQL server, enabling you to ...
Please re-bootstrap the Routers to ensure the optimal configurations are set. To upgrade the server instances in an InnoDB ClusterSet, complete the following steps: Upgrade MySQL Router. Check the versions of the installed binaries: mysqlrouter ...
The following table maintenance statements: ANALYZE TABLE, OPTIMIZE TABLE, CHECK TABLE, REPAIR TABLE. The following describes read-only statements: Statements are read-only if they start with: SELECT DO VALUES TABLE WITH that is not followed by ...
If you plan to copy field values, this length information is also useful for optimization, because you can avoid calling strlen(). unsigned long * mysql_fetch_lengths(MYSQL_RES *result) Description Returns the lengths of the columns of the current ...
If you call mysql_stmt_result_metadata() after mysql_stmt_prepare() but before mysql_stmt_execute(), the column types in the metadata are as determined by the optimizer. MYSQL_RES * mysql_stmt_result_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt) Description ...