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Displaying 541 to 550 of 607 total results
Due to differences between when the optimizer evaluates GROUP BY and HAVING, matching may succeed but GROUPING() evaluation does not produce the expected result. The function return value and type are the same as the return value and type of its ...
If you use myisamchk to repair or optimize tables, you must always ensure that the mysqld server is not using the table (this also applies if external locking is disabled). This section describes how to check for and deal with data corruption in ...
You can do this by using OPTIMIZE TABLE on the tables in question. It is a good idea to perform table checks on a regular basis rather than waiting for problems to occur. One way to check and repair MyISAM tables is with the CHECK TABLE and REPAIR ...
bulk_insert_buffer_size The size of the tree cache used in bulk insert optimization. The following options to mysqld can be used to change the behavior of MyISAM tables. Note This is a limit per thread! delay_key_write=ALL Don't flush key buffers ...
The options described in this section can be used for any type of table maintenance operation performed by myisamchk. The sections following this one describe options that pertain only to specific operations, such as table checking or repairing.
The myisamchk utility gets information about your database tables or checks, repairs, or optimizes them. myisamchk works with MyISAM tables (tables that have .MYD and .MYI files for storing data and indexes). You can also use the CHECK TABLE and ...
When the table is used later, the server reads into memory the information needed to decompress columns. This results in much better performance when accessing individual rows, because you only have to uncompress exactly one row. MySQL uses mmap() ...
Note The OPTIMIZE TABLE statement does not have any effect on Disk Data tables. The following items apply to Disk Data storage requirements: Variable-length columns of Disk Data tables take up a fixed amount of space. For each row, this is equal to ...
You should be aware that the methods described previously in this section are not optimized for very large data sets or large transactions. It is common when setting up a new instance of NDB Cluster to need to import data from an existing NDB ...
However, this memory can be made available for general re-use by performing OPTIMIZE TABLE. In this section, we list limits found in NDB Cluster that either differ from limits found in, or that are not found in, standard MySQL. Memory consumed when ...
Displaying 541 to 550 of 607 total results