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Displaying 281 to 290 of 607 total results
However, the optimizer cannot use SPATIAL indexes on them until the column definition is modified to include an SRID attribute, which may require that the column contents first be modified so that all values have the same SRID. MySQL has spatial ...
For large tables, try the following techniques to avoid having the optimizer incorrectly choose a table scan: Use ANALYZE TABLE tbl_name to update the key distributions for the scanned table. Start mysqld with the --max-seeks-for-key=1000 option or ... The output from EXPLAIN shows ALL in the type column when MySQL uses a full table scan to resolve a ...
For a SELECT with ORDER BY and LIMIT, the optimizer first chose a full table scan with a very expensive cost, then performed another check and used the perform_order_index type of path, but this was not reflected by the cost in the optimizer plan.
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=type The type of build to produce: Debug: Disable optimizations and generate debugging information. -DBUNDLE_DEPENDENCIES=bool This is an internal option used for creating Connector/C++ distribution packages.
Also notice that for prepared statements, if the stream length is not specified when using 'PreparedStatement.set*Stream()', the driver would not be able to determine the optimum number of parameters per batch and might return an error saying that ... callableStmtCacheSize If 'cacheCallableStmts' is enabled, how many callable statements should be cached? Default Value 100 Since Version 3.1.2 metadataCacheSize The number of queries to cache 'ResultSetMetadata' for if 'cacheResultSetMetaData' is set to ...
The optimal size for the connection pool depends on anticipated load and average database transaction time. In practice, the optimal connection pool size can be smaller than you might expect. Connection pooling is a technique of creating and ...
The optimal number of jobs is problem-dependent, and is a value determined with experience. Is it worth the effort? It depends on the goal as asynchronous code better optimizes performance, such as CPU usage, whereas writing standard synchronous ...
Because MySQL often deals with data sets that are many times larger than available memory, techniques that optimize storage space and disk I/O are especially important. The following guidelines cover aspects of developing MySQL applications that ...
The optimal number of jobs is problem-dependent, and is a value determined with experience. Is it worth the effort? It depends on the goal as asynchronous code better optimizes performance, such as CPU usage, whereas writing standard synchronous ...
Because MySQL often deals with data sets that are many times larger than available memory, techniques that optimize storage space and disk I/O are especially important. The following guidelines cover aspects of developing MySQL applications that ...
Displaying 281 to 290 of 607 total results