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Displaying 81 to 90 of 352 total results
In some cases, this can be much faster than DELETE or even TRUNCATE TABLE. Usage ndb_delete_all -c connection_string tbl_name -d db_name This deletes all rows from the table named tbl_name in the database named db_name. Options that can be used with ...
It is recommended that you use this utility only as an example for writing NDB API applications—see the Warning later in this section for details. Usage ndb_drop_index -c connection_string table_name index -d db_name The statement shown above ...
Usage ndb_drop_table -c connection_string tbl_name -d db_name Options that can be used with ndb_drop_table are shown in the following table. --connect-retries Command-Line Format --connect-retries=# Type Integer Default Value 12 Minimum Value 0 ...
ndb_import imports CSV-formatted data, such as that produced by mysqldump --tab, directly into NDB using the NDB API. ndb_import requires a connection to an NDB management server (ndb_mgmd) to function; it does not require a connection to a MySQL ...
ndb_index_stat provides per-fragment statistical information about indexes on NDB tables. This includes cache version and age, number of index entries per partition, and memory consumption by indexes. Running ndb_index_stat with the --update option ...
The ndb_mgm management client process is actually not needed to run the cluster. Its value lies in providing a set of commands for checking the cluster's status, starting backups, and performing other administrative functions. The management client ...
The management server is the process that reads the cluster configuration file and distributes this information to all nodes in the cluster that request it. Management clients can connect to the management server and check the cluster's status. All ...
Usage The program is invoked with the names of the source and target tables; either or both of these may be qualified optionally with the database name. ndb_move_data options source target Options that can be used with ndb_move_data are shown in the ...
ndb_secretsfile_reader gets the encryption key from an NDB encryption secrets file, given the password. Usage ndb_secretsfile_reader options file The options must include one of --filesystem-password or --filesystem-password-from-stdin, and the ...
ndb_select_all prints all rows from an NDB table to stdout. Usage ndb_select_all -c connection_string tbl_name -d db_name [> file_name] Options that can be used with ndb_select_all are shown in the following table. --connect-retries Command-Line ...
Displaying 81 to 90 of 352 total results