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Checksum Version (or later) NDB 8.0.13 Type or units boolean Default true Range true, false Restart Type Node Restart: Requires a rolling restart of the cluster. PreSendChecksum Version (or later) NDB 8.0.13 Type or units boolean Default false Range ... Communications between NDB cluster nodes are normally handled using ...
If this statement returns nonzero (true), all the identified GTIDs from source2 (the first set input) are also found in gtid_executed from the replica, meaning that the replica has received and executed all the transactions that originated from ...
When binlog_gtid_simple_recovery=TRUE, which is the default in MySQL 8.0, the values of gtid_executed and gtid_purged are computed at startup based on the values of Previous_gtids_log_event in the most recent and oldest binary log files. If all ...
IN (SELECT ...)) IS NOT TRUE can be transformed into antijoins. In MySQL 8.0.17 and later, the subquery can also be the argument to an expression modified by NOT, IS [NOT] TRUE, or IS [NOT] FALSE. A semijoin is a preparation-time transformation ...
Its output includes the default option and variable values and looks something like this: abort-slave-event-count 0 allow-suspicious-udfs FALSE archive ON auto-increment-increment 1 auto-increment-offset 1 autocommit TRUE automatic-sp-privileges ...
To assign a filter explicitly to a particular user account or accounts, define the filter, then assign it to the relevant accounts: SELECT audit_log_filter_set_filter('log_all', '{ "filter": { "log": true } }'); SELECT ... Note For audit log ...
The constants TRUE and FALSE evaluate to 1 and 0, respectively. mysql> SELECT TRUE, true, FALSE, false; -> 1, 1, 0, 0 .
If a subquery returns any rows at all, EXISTS subquery is TRUE, and NOT EXISTS subquery is FALSE. For the preceding example, if t2 contains any rows, even rows with nothing but NULL values, the EXISTS condition is TRUE. For example: SELECT column1 ...
mysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAY(1, "abc", NULL, TRUE, CURTIME()); +---------------------------------------------+ | JSON_ARRAY(1, "abc", NULL, TRUE, CURTIME()) | +---------------------------------------------+ | [1, "abc", null, true, "11:30:24.000000"] | ... The functions listed in this section compose JSON values from component ...
Table 14.22 JSON Functions Name Description Introduced Deprecated -> Return value from JSON column after evaluating path; equivalent to JSON_EXTRACT(). ->> Return value from JSON column after evaluating path and unquoting the result; equivalent to ...