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Displaying 21 to 30 of 62 total results
When loading large volumes of data with a sequence of INSERT statements, periodically COMMIT the results to avoid having transactions that last for hours. If an ALTER TABLE operation runs out of space, it starts a rollback, and that can take hours ... If you have MyISAM tables that you want to convert to InnoDB for better reliability and scalability, review the following guidelines and tips before ...
Because the difference in performance between “good” and “bad” plans can be orders of magnitude (that is, seconds versus hours or even days), most query optimizers, including that of MySQL, perform a more or less exhaustive search for an ...
This backup should be updated regularly—perhaps even hourly—depending on your needs. Point-in-time recovery—that is, recovery of data changes made since a given point in time—is performed after restoring a full backup that returns the ...
For information about MySQL Enterprise Monitor behavior, see the MySQL Enterprise Monitor manual: Important MySQL Enterprise Monitor will be end of life and deprecated with obsolescence as of January 1, ...
For example, if a table contains a TIMESTAMP column named ts, standard SQL permits PARTITION BY ts but not PARTITION BY HOUR(ts), whereas MySQL permits both. However, whereas an aggregate operation groups query rows into a single result row, a ...
Different offset values can also be used for different columns of the same table, like this: $> ndb_restore --restore-data --remap-column=hr.employee.salary:offset:10000 \ --remap-column=hr.employee.hours:offset:-10 When source backups contain ...
For restore times measured in hours, you might prefer an alternative backup and restore solution, such as MySQL Enterprise Backup for InnoDB-only and mixed-use databases. The mysqldump client utility performs logical backups, producing a set of SQL ...
For example, an application might encounter performance issues if it commits thousands of times per second, and different performance issues if it commits only every 2-3 hours. To optimize InnoDB transaction processing, find the ideal balance ...
This section discusses limitations in MySQL Partitioning relating specifically to functions used in partitioning expressions. Each of these functions returns an integer only if it is passed an argument of an exact numeric type, such as one of the ...
As of MySQL 8.0.16, MySQL includes built-in SQL functions that format or retrieve Performance Schema data, and that may be used as equivalents for the corresponding sys schema stored functions. The built-in functions can be invoked in any schema ...
Displaying 21 to 30 of 62 total results