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Displaying 251 to 260 of 352 total results
Group Replication uses a distributed recovery process to synchronize group members when joining them to the group. Distributed recovery involves transferring transactions from a donor's binary log to a joining member using a replication channel ...
The Index Merge access method retrieves rows with multiple range scans and merges their results into one. This access method merges index scans from a single table only, not scans across multiple tables. The merge can produce unions, intersections, ...
The following table summarizes INFORMATION_SCHEMA InnoDB tables. For greater detail, see the individual table descriptions. Table 28.3 INFORMATION_SCHEMA InnoDB Tables Table Name Description Introduced INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE Pages in InnoDB buffer pool ...
INFORMATION_SCHEMA provides access to database metadata, information about the MySQL server such as the name of a database or table, the data type of a column, or access privileges. Other terms that are sometimes used for this information are data ...
The ndb_transid_mysql_connection_map table provides a mapping between NDB transactions, NDB transaction coordinators, and MySQL Servers attached to an NDB Cluster as API nodes. This information is used when populating the server_operations and ...
The OPTIMIZER_TRACE table provides information produced by the optimizer tracing capability for traced statements. The OPTIMIZER_TRACE table has these columns: QUERY The text of the traced statement. MISSING_BYTES_BEYOND_MAX_MEM_SIZE Each ...
Each row in this table corresponds to an individual partition or subpartition of a partitioned table. The PARTITIONS table has these columns: TABLE_CATALOG The name of the catalog to which the table belongs. TABLE_SCHEMA The name of the schema ...
The information_schema_stats_expiry system variable defines the period of time before cached table statistics expire. If there are no cached statistics or statistics have expired, statistics are retrieved from storage engines when querying table ...
The following table summarizes all available INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables. For greater detail, see the individual table descriptions. Table 28.1 INFORMATION_SCHEMA Tables Table Name Description Introduced Deprecated ADMINISTRABLE_ROLE_AUTHORIZATIONS ...
To see information about a table's triggers, you must have the TRIGGER privilege for the table. The TRIGGERS table has these columns: TRIGGER_CATALOG The name of the catalog to which the trigger belongs. TRIGGER_SCHEMA The name of the schema ...
Displaying 251 to 260 of 352 total results