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Displaying 241 to 250 of 664 total results
-DODBC_INCLUDES=dir_name The location of the ODBC includes directory, which may be used while configuring Connector/ODBC. -DODBC_LIB_DIR=dir_name The location of the ODBC library directory, which may be used while configuring Connector/ODBC. The ...
Modifications to audit_log_include_accounts or audit_log_exclude_accounts affect only connections created subsequent to the modification, not existing connections. audit_log_connection_policy: Logging policy for connection events ... Note This ...
For groups operating in single-primary mode, the asynchronous replication connection to the old group must send data to the primary in the new group, for a multi-primary group the asynchronous replication channel can connect to any primary. Wait ...
Options typically indicate the type of connection a program should make to the server or affect its operational mode. The most frequently used of these are the --host (or -h), --user (or -u), and --password (or -p) options that specify connection ...
When a client attempts a connection to the MySQL server using a single-factor account, the server invokes the authentication plugin indicated by the account definition and accepts or rejects the connection depending on whether the plugin reports ...
To shut down the servers, connect to each using the appropriate port number: C:\> C:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin --port=3307 --host= --user=root --password shutdown C:\> C:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin --port=3308 --host= --user=root --password ... The procedure for starting a single MySQL server manually from the command line is described in Section, “Starting MySQL from the Windows Command ...
The membership table describes the view that each data node has of all the others in the cluster, including node group membership, president node, arbitrator, arbitrator successor, arbitrator connection states, and other information. If the ...We ...
ndb_error_reporter also accepts the options listed here: --connection-timeout=timeout Command-Line Format --connection-timeout=# Type Integer Default Value 0 Wait this many seconds when trying to connect to nodes before timing out.
Connect to the server and verify that the NDBCLUSTER storage engine is enabled: $> mysql Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 8.0.41 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. To familiarize you with the basics, we ...
This program creates the SSL certificate and key files and RSA key-pair files required to support secure connections using SSL and secure password exchange using RSA over unencrypted connections, if those files are missing. Otherwise, it invokes ...
Displaying 241 to 250 of 664 total results