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Displaying 151 to 160 of 352 total results
Important MySQL 8.0 Server requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable Package to run on Windows platforms. Users should make sure the package has been installed on the system before installing the server. Additionally, MySQL debug ...
Warning User-defined collations are deprecated; you should expect support for them to be removed in a future version of MySQL. As of MySQL 8.0.33, the server issues a warning for any use of COLLATE user_defined_collation in an SQL statement; a ...
ALTER USER [IF EXISTS] user [auth_option] [, user [auth_option]] ... [REQUIRE {NONE | tls_option [[AND] tls_option] ...}] [WITH resource_option [resource_option] ...] [password_option | lock_option] ... It enables authentication, role, SSL/TLS, ...
The CHAR and VARCHAR types are similar, but differ in the way they are stored and retrieved. They also differ in maximum length and in whether trailing spaces are retained. The CHAR and VARCHAR types are declared with a length that indicates the ...
This section describes how the binary collation for binary strings compares to _bin collations for nonbinary strings. Binary strings (as stored using the BINARY, VARBINARY, and BLOB data types) have a character set and collation named binary.
Every “character” column (that is, a column of type CHAR, VARCHAR, a TEXT type, or any synonym) has a column character set and a column collation. CREATE TABLE t1 ( col1 CHAR(10) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ) CHARACTER SET ...
MySQL supports foreign keys, which permit cross-referencing related data across tables, and foreign key constraints, which help keep the related data consistent. A foreign key relationship involves a parent table that holds the initial column ...
The CSV storage engine stores data in text files using comma-separated values format. The CSV storage engine is always compiled into the MySQL server. To examine the source for the CSV engine, look in the storage/csv directory of a MySQL source ...
Data type specifications can have explicit or implicit default values. A DEFAULT value clause in a data type specification explicitly indicates a default value for a column. Examples: CREATE TABLE t1 ( i INT DEFAULT -1, c VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT '', ...
MySQL supports descending indexes: DESC in an index definition is no longer ignored but causes storage of key values in descending order. Previously, indexes could be scanned in reverse order but at a performance penalty. A descending index can be ...
Displaying 151 to 160 of 352 total results