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Range columns partitioning is similar to range partitioning, but enables you to define partitions using ranges based on multiple column values. In addition, you can define the ranges using columns of types other than integer types. RANGE COLUMNS ...
However, the result must be an integer value or NULL (except in the case of [LINEAR] KEY partitioning, as discussed elsewhere in this chapter; see Section 26.2, “Partitioning Types”, for more information). The column or expression value may also ... This section discusses current restrictions and limitations on MySQL partitioning ...
Other partitioning types require a partitioning expression that yields an integer value or NULL. However, you can use other date and time functions that return an integer or NULL, such as WEEKDAY(), DAYOFYEAR(), or MONTH(). This section discusses ...
END_EVENT_ID This column is set to NULL when the event starts and updated to the thread current event number when the event ends. If an event is produced from an instrument that has TIMED = NO, timing information is not collected, and TIMER_START, ...The table stores one row per thread showing the current status of the thread's most recent monitored statement event, so there is no system variable for configuring the table ...
The component implements a mysql_query_attribute_string() loadable function that takes an attribute name argument and returns the attribute value as a string, or NULL if the attribute does not exist. The first SELECT shows how to retrieve those ...
The types of the CTE result columns are inferred from the column types of the nonrecursive SELECT part only, and the columns are all nullable. The use of COALESCE() avoids displaying NULL in the sum_price column on days for which no sales data occur ... A common table expression (CTE) is a named temporary result set that exists within the scope of a single statement and that can be referred to later within that statement, possibly multiple ...
row *************************** Table: t1 Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `c1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) /*!50100 TABLESPACE ts_1 STORAGE DISK */ ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci 1 row in set (0.01 sec) To change ...For NDB tables, it is also possible to change the storage type used for a table or ...
The following table lists each built-in (native) function and operator and provides a short description of each one. For a table listing functions that are loadable at runtime, see Section 14.2, “Loadable Function Reference”. ->> Return value ...
For a value that cannot be successfully converted to YEAR, return NULL. Regardless of the syntax used, the function returns NULL if expr is NULL. If the expression to cast is NULL, the function result is NULL. row *************************** Table: ... Table 14.15 Cast Functions and Operators Name Description Deprecated BINARY Cast a string to a binary string 8.0.27 CAST() Cast a value as a certain type CONVERT() Cast a value as a certain type Cast functions and operators enable conversion of values from one data type to ...
Consider the table created by the following statement: CREATE TABLE t (c TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL); The WHERE condition in the query SELECT * FROM t WHERE c < 256 contains the integral constant 256 which is out of range for a TINYINT UNSIGNED ...