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Thus, take care to avoid transactions that run for too long: If you are using a mysql session for interactive experiments, always COMMIT (to finalize the changes) or ROLLBACK (to undo the changes) when finished. Close down interactive sessions ...
JSON columns and indirect indexing in NDB Cluster It is also possible to use indirect indexing of JSON columns in MySQL NDB Cluster, subject to the following conditions: NDB handles a JSON column value internally as a BLOB. A secondary index defined ...
To create the view explicitly in a given database, use db_name.view_name syntax to qualify the view name with the database name: CREATE VIEW test.v AS SELECT * FROM t; Unqualified table or view names in the SELECT statement are also interpreted with ...If the view does not exist, CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW is the same as CREATE ...
Cursors have these properties: Asensitive: The server may or may not make a copy of its result table Read only: Not updatable Nonscrollable: Can be traversed only in one direction and cannot skip rows Cursor declarations must appear before handler ...
In all of the cases in the preceding list, it is possible for the condition to be converted into the form of one or more direct comparisons between a column and a constant. This optimization improves the efficiency of direct comparisons between a ...
The explain_format system variable introduced in MySQL 8.0.32 determines the format of the output from EXPLAIN when used to display a query execution plan. To give a hint to the optimizer to use a join order corresponding to the order in which the ... {EXPLAIN | DESCRIBE | DESC} tbl_name [col_name | wild] {EXPLAIN | DESCRIBE | DESC} [explain_type] {explainable_stmt | FOR CONNECTION connection_id} {EXPLAIN | DESCRIBE | DESC} ANALYZE [explain_type] select_stmt explain_type: { FORMAT = format_name } format_name: { TRADITIONAL | JSON | TREE } explainable_stmt: { select_stmt | TABLE ...
For example: CREATE TABLE federated_table ( id INT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', other INT(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX name (name), INDEX other_key (other) ) ENGINE=FEDERATED DEFAULT ... To ...
If you are creating a number of FEDERATED tables on the same server, or if you want to simplify the process of creating FEDERATED tables, you can use the CREATE SERVER statement to define the server connection parameters, just as you would with the ...
To create a FEDERATED table you should follow these steps: Create the table on the remote server. Alternatively, make a note of the table definition of an existing table, perhaps using the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement. Create the table on the local ...
The MeCab full-text parser plugin is a full-text parser plugin for Japanese that tokenizes a sequence of text into meaningful words. For example, MeCab tokenizes “データベース管理” (“Database Management”) into ... The built-in MySQL ...