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Displaying 671 to 680 of 1137 total results
Once your data reaches a stable size, or a growing table has increased by tens or some hundreds of megabytes, consider using the OPTIMIZE TABLE statement to reorganize the table and compact any wasted space. The reorganized tables require less disk ...
If no restrictive modes are enabled, MySQL clips the value to the appropriate endpoint of the column data type range and stores the resulting value instead. When an out-of-range value is assigned to an integer column, MySQL stores the value ...
This section discusses limitations in MySQL Partitioning relating specifically to functions used in partitioning expressions. Each of these functions returns an integer only if it is passed an argument of an exact numeric type, such as one of the ...
The consumer settings in the setup_consumers table form a hierarchy from higher levels to lower. The following discussion describes how consumers work, showing specific configurations and their effects as consumer settings are enabled progressively ...
The table stores one row per thread showing the current status of the thread's most recent monitored transaction event, so there is no system variable for configuring the table size. For example: mysql> SELECT * FROM ...
The file_instances table lists all the files seen by the Performance Schema when executing file I/O instrumentation. If a file on disk has never been opened, it is not in file_instances. When a file is deleted from the disk, it is also removed from ...
Events are processed in a producer/consumer fashion: Instrumented code is the source for events and produces events to be collected. The setup_instruments table lists the instruments for which events can be collected, whether they are enabled, and ...
Pre-filtering limits which event information is collected and is independent of any particular user. By contrast, post-filtering is performed by individual users through the use of queries with appropriate WHERE clauses that restrict what event ...
If the replica is not multithreaded, this table shows the status of the applier thread. Otherwise, the replica uses multiple worker threads and a coordinator thread to manage them, and this table shows the status of the worker threads. For a ...
This table shows the configuration parameters used by the replica for connecting to the source. Parameters stored in the table can be changed at runtime with the CHANGE MASTER TO statement, as indicated in the column descriptions. It contains ...
Displaying 671 to 680 of 1137 total results